AnumQ / web3-connect-metamask

Integrate web3.js in React app and connect MetaMask wallet to interact with the blockchain.
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use web3 instance instead of metamask rpc #1

Open SantiagoDevRel opened 4 months ago

SantiagoDevRel commented 4 months ago

  1. You can also use web3Instance.eth.requestAccounts() and this will do the same as the code u wrote above, this will popup metamask, the user will connect the address/es and it will return an array with the connected addresses/accounts

  2. If im not mistaken the isn't in the API list of the web3js library but it will actually be nice to include so devs can have a web3Instance.revokePermission() instead of writing this raw RPC call, if you want you can create an issue, if not, that's completely fine.

AnumQ commented 4 months ago
  1. Done. Link to commit
  2. Created the issue