AnuragThePathak / News-Feed-App

Get news from the world.
Apache License 2.0
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Store the images related to articles in database so they are also visible even when volley doesn't fetch it. #15

Closed AnuragThePathak closed 3 years ago

droid-it commented 3 years ago

@AnuragThePathak Storing the images in database is never a good idea because databases are not efficient with BLOB type data. It would make more sense to cache them on disk as files using Glide - Let me know if this makes sense and I can pick it up

AnuragThePathak commented 3 years ago

@AnuragThePathak Storing the images in database is never a good idea because databases are not efficient with BLOB type data. It would make more sense to cache them on disk as files using Glide - Let me know if this makes sense and I can pick it up

After hearing from I have also checked what instagram and google news do in this case and found that their data simply goes away once cache is cleared. Maybe we too don't need this feature.