Anusien / Town-Of-Us

An Among Us mod containing a bunch of roles
GNU General Public License v3.0
10 stars 6 forks source link

Keybind all abilities #186

Open Anusien opened 2 years ago

Anusien commented 2 years ago

Arsonist, Shifter, Time Lord, Seer, Medic, Arsonist, Altruist and Sheriff's abilities are bound to the 'Q' key. This makes it really inconsistent between roles. We should do something here and sync it up for everyone.

As an example, The Other Roles bound all killing abilities to 'Q' and others to 'F'.

VirusTLNR commented 2 years ago

slightly unrelated, but i was thinking about keybinds/keys/buttons/etc

if we take the crew.. they have no buttons.. 0 if we take the impostor, they have 1.. a kill button

now roles which kill generally have their kill button in the same place as the kill button for impostor, so that should be Q.

but what about roles that have the button in the same place, but that isnt a kill button? for example. the engineer.

honestly, i dont use hotkeys... but i always click in the same place for every ability in the kill button location.

with updating to the new among us version, i assume like other mods have, buttons will be laid out better.

so i feel like if a button is in the kill button space.. it should use Q, even if you cant kill

then if a role has 3 buttons... then it would be 3 keybinds..

Q, F and something else thats comfortable and unused, then buttons in the same positiuon on the screen, would use the same key.. and rather than them being though of as "kill" abilities... the key would just be associated with the button position.

think of it like "ability 1, ability 2, ability 3"

makes more sense than assigning a different key to a same placed button right?