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'Now running' bug? #36

Closed oliverschloebe closed 9 years ago

oliverschloebe commented 9 years ago

It's currently 9:28 and it's not indicating any show to be currently running.

oliverschloebe commented 9 years ago

It does jump/scroll to the currently running show, though.

Any1s commented 9 years ago

That's because there was a gap in the source calendar. In that case, the next best show is used.


oliverschloebe commented 9 years ago

Gotta bring that one up again. :) It's 16:34 on the phone and it's showing the show from 14:30 as running. I know there could be a gap in the calendar but shouldn't the "closest" show be "Schröcks Fernsehgarten" here?


Any1s commented 9 years ago

Fair enough, that looks like a bug.

Any1s commented 9 years ago

Nevermind, it was a calendar error again. "Community Beef - Quake" had a wrong end date. 2015-03-20-164246_285x91_scrot