AnySoftKeyboard / LanguagePack

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Another attempt to fix F-Droid updates. #303

Closed ArenaL5 closed 4 years ago

ArenaL5 commented 4 years ago

fdroid build works normally by running gradle assembleRelease (or gradle assemble(flavour)Release). gradle assembleDebug worked fine, but gradle assembleRelease was configured to forcibly create a debug release when no release keystore, and for some reason couldn't automatically create a keystore when forced.

This commit sidesteps all that and makes it so that, when no release keystore is found, it defaults to creating an unsigned non-debuggable APK at the usual path (add_ons_apks). As far as I can tell, it builds now.

I also changed forceVersionBuildCounter and the patch number (4.0.2234) because I couldn't figure how to make it different from the version code (just 2234); you might want to check that. (There are ways to force version number or code editing F-Droid's metadata, but that probably will make it more difficult for Google Play.)

Besides those changes, the ending of metadata/org.herrlado.ask.languagepack.czech.yml file is pretty much the same, just pointing to this new commit:

  - versionName: 4.0.2234
    versionCode: 2234
    commit: d231e418c30c7550f10ef744fc7c478fab298466
      - yes
    output: add_ons_apks/release/add-on--languages-czech-apk-2234.apk
      - forceVersionBuildCount=2834

AutoUpdateMode: None
UpdateCheckMode: RepoManifest
CurrentVersion: 4.0.2234
CurrentVersionCode: 2234
menny commented 4 years ago

Thank you

menny commented 4 years ago

Can you do something similar on

ArenaL5 commented 4 years ago

Sure thing. I'll try to send a PR this week; hopefully with AnySoftKeyboard/AnySoftKeyboard#1636 fixed or halfway fixed, too. (@vincentmacri wrote a very useful report.)

By the way, don't forget to update the metadata at GitLab. Is 2234 okay as patch number or would you rather have 634? We keep flip-flopping.

ArenaL5 commented 4 years ago

That was quick.

EDIT: Nevermind, I just noticed you updated it before I posted. I left you a comment at GitLab; please update your version number.