AnykeyNL / OCI-AutoScale

Automatic Scaling for OCI BM Database Cloud Service (Schedule based)
Universal Permissive License v1.0
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Error applying with Autonomous Database #38

Open sdominguez-quistor opened 4 months ago

sdominguez-quistor commented 4 months ago

Hello! We're getting this error to use this code with our Autonomous Database:

Checking XXX_XXX (AutonomousDatabase) CurentState: STOPPED...

Any clue about this error?

Thanks in advance

RichardORCL commented 4 months ago

Which version of Autonomous database are you running? OCPU or ECPU based?

sdominguez-quistor commented 4 months ago

ECPU based

AnykeyNL commented 4 months ago

Can you add a: print (resourceDetails)

above that if statement (line 1034) and send me the output

sdominguez-quistor commented 4 months ago


AnykeyNL commented 4 months ago

mm strange. I will try to do a test this week and see what is going on.

sdominguez-quistor commented 4 months ago

Not blank sorry Checking ATP_BVR (AutonomousDatabase) CurentState: STOPPED...

AnykeyNL commented 4 months ago

See what is going wrong. I will need to fix the IF statement logic. Will try to do that tomorrow.

sdominguez-quistor commented 4 months ago

We would be very grateful, we are pretty much stuck. 😊

AnykeyNL commented 4 months ago

I just tested with one autonomous DB based ocpu basis and one on ecpu basis. But scale up and down, power off / on and power on and rescale all without issue.

Are you using the latest version of the script? Can you share the full output of the script with me via email (

sdominguez-quistor commented 4 months ago

yes, we are using the latest version. We have already used it on several occasions and with other Autonomous Databases without problems. The complete output is the one we have shared with you before. In that output, what is strange for us is that compute-count and compute-model do not appear, we understand that this is where the problem comes from.

AnykeyNL commented 4 months ago

agree, it show a null value. What does that database show in the OCI Console?

sdominguez-quistor commented 4 months ago

if you don't mind I'll tell you tomorrow morning 😊

sdominguez-quistor commented 4 months ago

Morning, the request we are launching from the cloud shell returns this: { "data": { "actual-used-data-storage-size-in-tbs": 0.01070404052734375, "allocated-storage-size-in-tbs": 0.0498046875, "apex-details": { "apex-version": "23.2.3", "ords-version": "" }, "are-primary-whitelisted-ips-used": null, "autonomous-container-database-id": null, "autonomous-maintenance-schedule-type": "REGULAR", "available-upgrade-versions": [], "backup-config": { "manual-backup-bucket-name": null, "manual-backup-type": "NONE" }, "backup-retention-period-in-days": 30, "character-set": null, "compartment-id": "", "compute-count": 2.0, "compute-model": "ECPU", "connection-strings": { "all-connection-strings": { "HIGH": "", "LOW": "", "MEDIUM": "", "TP": "", "TPURGENT": "" }, "dedicated": null, "high": "", "low": "", "medium": "", "profiles": [ { "consumer-group": "HIGH", "display-name": "atpbvr_high", "host-format": "FQDN", "is-regional": null, "protocol": "TCPS", "session-mode": "DIRECT", "syntax-format": "LONG", "tls-authentication": "MUTUAL", "value": "(description= (retry_count=20)(retry_delay=3)(address=(protocol=tcps)(port=1522)(host=xxxx))(connect_data=(" }, { "consumer-group": "LOW", "display-name": "atpbvr_low", "host-format": "FQDN", "is-regional": null, "protocol": "TCPS", "session-mode": "DIRECT", "syntax-format": "LONG", "tls-authentication": "MUTUAL", "value": "(description= (retry_count=20)(retry_delay=3)(address=(protocol=tcps)(port=1522)(host=xxx))(connect_data=(" }, { "consumer-group": "MEDIUM", "display-name": "atpbvr_medium", "host-format": "FQDN", "is-regional": null, "protocol": "TCPS", "session-mode": "DIRECT", "syntax-format": "LONG", "tls-authentication": "MUTUAL", "value": "(description= (retry_count=20)(retry_delay=3)(address=(protocol=tcps)(port=1522)(" }, { "consumer-group": "TP", "display-name": "atpbvr_tp", "host-format": "FQDN", "is-regional": null, "protocol": "TCPS", "session-mode": "DIRECT", "syntax-format": "LONG", "tls-authentication": "MUTUAL", "value": "(description= (retry_count=20)(retry_delay=3)(address=(protocol=tcps)(port=1522)(" }, { "consumer-group": "TPURGENT", "display-name": "atpbvr_tpurgent", "host-format": "FQDN", "is-regional": null, "protocol": "TCPS", "session-mode": "DIRECT", "syntax-format": "LONG", "tls-authentication": "MUTUAL", "value": "(description= (retry_count=20)(retry_delay=3)(address=(protocol=tcps)(port=1522)(" } ] }, "connection-urls": { "apex-url": "", "database-transforms-url": "", "graph-studio-url": "", "machine-learning-notebook-url": "", "machine-learning-user-management-url": "", "mongo-db-url": null, "ords-url": "", "sql-dev-web-url": "" }, "cpu-core-count": 0, "customer-contacts": null, "data-safe-status": "REGISTERED", "data-storage-size-in-gbs": 61, "data-storage-size-in-tbs": null, "database-edition": "ENTERPRISE_EDITION", "database-management-status": null, "dataguard-region-type": null, "db-name": "ATPBVR", "db-tools-details": [ { "compute-count": null, "is-enabled": true, "max-idle-time-in-minutes": null, "name": "APEX" }, { "compute-count": 2.0, "is-enabled": true, "max-idle-time-in-minutes": 10, "name": "DATA_TRANSFORMS" }, { "compute-count": null, "is-enabled": true, "max-idle-time-in-minutes": null, "name": "DATABASE_ACTIONS" }, { "compute-count": 2.0, "is-enabled": true, "max-idle-time-in-minutes": 240, "name": "GRAPH_STUDIO" }, { "compute-count": null, "is-enabled": false, "max-idle-time-in-minutes": null, "name": "MONGODB_API" }, { "compute-count": 2.0, "is-enabled": true, "max-idle-time-in-minutes": 60, "name": "OML" }, { "compute-count": null, "is-enabled": true, "max-idle-time-in-minutes": null, "name": "ORDS" } ], "db-version": "19c", "db-workload": "OLTP", "defined-tags": { "Oracle-Tags": { "CreatedBy": "xxx", "CreatedOn": "2020-08-02T17:01:25.743Z" }, "Schedule": { "WeekDay": ",,,,,,,,1,,,,,,,0,,,,,,,," } }, "disaster-recovery-region-type": null, "display-name": "ATP_BVR", "failed-data-recovery-in-seconds": null, "freeform-tags": {}, "id": "ocid1.autonomousdatabase.xxxx", "in-memory-area-in-gbs": null, "in-memory-percentage": null, "infrastructure-type": null, "is-access-control-enabled": null, "is-auto-scaling-enabled": false, "is-auto-scaling-for-storage-enabled": true, "is-data-guard-enabled": false, "is-dedicated": false, "is-free-tier": false, "is-local-data-guard-enabled": false, "is-mtls-connection-required": true, "is-preview": false, "is-reconnect-clone-enabled": false, "is-refreshable-clone": null, "is-remote-data-guard-enabled": false, "key-history-entry": [ { "id": "ORACLE_MANAGED_KEY", "kms-key-version-id": null, "time-activated": "2020-07-31T15:01:40+00:00", "vault-id": null } ], "key-store-id": null, "key-store-wallet-name": null, "kms-key-id": "ORACLE_MANAGED_KEY", "kms-key-lifecycle-details": null, "kms-key-version-id": null, "license-model": "BRING_YOUR_OWN_LICENSE", "lifecycle-details": null, "lifecycle-state": "AVAILABLE", "local-adg-auto-failover-max-data-loss-limit": null, "local-disaster-recovery-type": "BACKUP_BASED", "local-standby-db": null, "long-term-backup-schedule": null, "max-cpu-core-count": null, "memory-per-oracle-compute-unit-in-gbs": null, "ncharacter-set": null, "next-long-term-backup-time-stamp": null, "nsg-ids": null, "ocpu-count": null, "open-mode": "READ_WRITE", "operations-insights-status": "NOT_ENABLED", "peer-db-ids": null, "permission-level": "UNRESTRICTED", "private-endpoint": null, "private-endpoint-ip": null, "private-endpoint-label": null, "provisionable-cpus": null, "refreshable-mode": null, "refreshable-status": null, "remote-disaster-recovery-configuration": null, "resource-pool-leader-id": null, "resource-pool-summary": { "is-disabled": true, "pool-size": null }, "role": null, "scheduled-operations": null, "service-console-url": null, "source-id": null, "standby-db": null, "standby-whitelisted-ips": null, "subnet-id": null, "supported-regions-to-clone-to": [ "AMS", "ZRH", "LHR", "MTZ", "JED", "LIN", "CDG", "PHX", "MAD", "IAD" ], "system-tags": {}, "time-created": "2020-08-02T17:01:25.747000+00:00", "time-data-guard-role-changed": null, "time-deletion-of-free-autonomous-database": null, "time-disaster-recovery-role-changed": null, "time-local-data-guard-enabled": null, "time-maintenance-begin": "2024-02-10T21:00:00+00:00", "time-maintenance-end": "2024-02-11T05:00:00+00:00", "time-of-joining-resource-pool": null, "time-of-last-failover": null, "time-of-last-refresh": null, "time-of-last-refresh-point": null, "time-of-last-switchover": null, "time-of-next-refresh": null, "time-reclamation-of-free-autonomous-database": null, "time-until-reconnect-clone-enabled": null, "total-backup-storage-size-in-gbs": 16.0, "used-data-storage-size-in-gbs": null, "used-data-storage-size-in-tbs": 1, "vault-id": null, "whitelisted-ips": null }, "etag": "5e98a813--gzip" }

AnykeyNL commented 4 months ago

I was more referring to OCI Console, not the cloud shell. I see you are using 0 and 1 in your schedule. but as this is ECPU based, the smallest is 2 Cores. Can you change the 1 to a 2 in the schedule.

You are just getting the error on power on operations, or also on scaling and power off operations?

sdominguez-quistor commented 4 months ago

Okay, we will make the change and let you know. At the moment we have only done it with power on operations.

mamoroso1 commented 4 months ago

Hello I'm sdominguez colleague, we try what you said on the tags but the issues is that the compute-count still not populated, did you have time to look it up