Waterfall dev 388 (BungeeCord Fork)
AutoReconnect 1.6.4
AutoReconnect seems to detect Waterfall as an old BungeeCord build despite being upstream merged with the latest source of BungeeCord.
[01:19:40] [main/INFO] [AutoReconnect]: AutoReconnect: A fork of Bungeecord-Reconnect updated by PseudoResonance and AoElite
[01:19:40] [main/INFO] [AutoReconnect]: Detected old BungeeCord build! Using compatibility mode for event loop group!
[01:19:40] [main/INFO]: Enabled plugin AutoReconnect version 1.6.4 by null
Waterfall dev 388 (BungeeCord Fork) AutoReconnect 1.6.4
AutoReconnect seems to detect Waterfall as an old BungeeCord build despite being upstream merged with the latest source of BungeeCord.