Aohzan / ipx800

IPX800 V4 integration for Home-Assistant
Apache License 2.0
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problemi avvio ipx800 su homeassistant #30

Closed 10051402 closed 2 years ago

10051402 commented 2 years ago

Buonasera, non riesco ad avviare l'integreazione in home assistant. l'errore è questo: Questo errore ha avuto origine da un'integrazione personalizzata.

Logger: custom_components.ipx800v4 Source: custom_components/ipx800v4/ Integration: GCE IPX800 V4 (documentation, issues) First occurred: 23:05:56 (4 occurrences) Last logged: 23:06:19

Cannot connect to the IPX800 named IPX800, check host, port or api_key Cannot connect to the IPX800 named alessandro, check host, port or api_key

Sicuramente non riesco a compilare correttamente il file configuration.yaml potete aiutarmi nella compilazione? i dati sono: ipx800v4 in rete ip. porta 9800 password api: apikey pota:9870

Grazie per l'aiuto

Aohzan commented 2 years ago

English please :pray:

10051402 commented 2 years ago

hello, I was able to connect ipx800 with the plugin but I would need to display the buttons for the 56 relays and the analog inputs in the home assistant but I don't know how to do it. can you give me a hand? thank you

Aohzan commented 2 years ago

You have to put this for each of the relays you want to control

      - name: My relay 30
        type: "relay"
        component: "switch"
        id: 30

and for analog inputs

      - component: sensor
        name: My Analog Input 1
        type: analogin
        id: 1
10051402 commented 2 years ago

this is what i have to write in configuration.yamal me to view the buttons and inputs in home assistant how can i do?

10051402 commented 2 years ago

I don't know how to display 56 buttons corresponding to ipx800 and interfaces and 56 inputs in home assistant. can you help me? thank you

Aohzan commented 2 years ago

can you paste the ipx800v4 part of your configuration.yml please

10051402 commented 2 years ago

ok, I am attaching configuration.yaml. if you can modify it as you think horrible thank you: deleted

Aohzan commented 2 years ago

when you past your configuration, remove your password and put ``` before and after the code

10051402 commented 2 years ago

what password should i delete? the one in the comfiguration.yaml file or the password I have to access the ipx800v4?

10051402 commented 2 years ago

could you send me the correct configuration.yaml file for my settings? thank you

10051402 commented 2 years ago

good evening, I do not know if I have explained myself well about my problem, summarizing: I am attaching the configuration.yaml file (if you can check it and possibly correct it I would be grateful) Furthermore I would like to know the procedure for adding both the relays and the inputs in a visual way on the home assistant. pending greeting and thank you

Aohzan commented 2 years ago

You have an example in the README, fill it with you own information, then put everything you want in the devices part for your relays and analog inputs

10051402 commented 2 years ago

good evening, I do not know if I have explained myself well about my problem, summarizing: I am attaching the configuration.yaml file that I have configured up to 10 relays and 10 inputs (if you can check it and possibly correct it I would be grateful) I would like to know if the two configuration examples on the ipx800 push are good for my case. Furthermore I would like to know the procedure for adding both the relays and the inputs in a visual way on the home assistant. pending greeting and thank you

Configure a default setup of Home Assistant (frontend, api, etc)


Text to speech


automation: !include automations.yaml script: !include scripts.yaml scene: !include scenes.yaml

Example configuration.yaml entry


10051402 commented 2 years ago

I don't know if it's possible for you but we will be able to connect with team viever and can you give me a hand? thank you

Aohzan commented 2 years ago

No i don't do that The configuration seems ok except that you put the same name

What logs errors do you have ?

10051402 commented 2 years ago

I have no errors I just need to know how to view the relays in the home assistant. that's why I asked you if you could help me by connecting to my pc. if you can't do nothing. if you could send me instructions on what to select in the home assistant to see buttons and inputs graphically.

Thank you,

Aohzan commented 2 years ago ...

10051402 commented 2 years ago

thank you for your instructions but i can't add buttons and inputs on home assistant. I was wondering if you could connect with me on tean viewer to show me at least one button and one input put on the home assistant interface but if you can't thanks anyway. I know that I will abandon it because I am not capable

Aohzan commented 2 years ago

I don't do Home-Assistant basic support, please watch documentation or youtube videos

10051402 commented 2 years ago

good evening, I managed to get the home assistant to recognize the ipx800 card. but in the states I find an off update.gce_ipx800_v4 It's regular? In the configuration in devices and services I find GCE IPX800 V4 and selecting it tells me on the item you check that this device has no entity; must he have them?

Aohzan commented 2 years ago

yes, check logs

10051402 commented 2 years ago

where can I find the logs?

10051402 commented 2 years ago

in logs tells me gce ipx800 v4 off yet the card is plugged in and turned on. what should I do?