AoxeTech / Aoxe.Serialization

Provide an easy way to use Binary/DataContractSerializer/Jil/MessagePack/MsgPack/NewtonsoftJson/Utf8Json/Protobuf/SystemTextJson/Xml/ZeroFormatter
MIT License
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Set repo url for nuget package #3

Closed thompson-tomo closed 5 months ago

thompson-tomo commented 5 months ago


I wish for the nuget packages to have the repository url set correctly


By providing the repo url it will make it easier to contribute and can be used by source-link.

Mutuduxf commented 5 months ago

Hi @thompson-tomo , in this repo, it provided 19 packages (18 for difference serializers and one for abstractions) and all packages have set the repo url.

thompson-tomo commented 5 months ago

Hi @Mutuduxf i just checked and not one has the repository url set. Note repository url is different to project url which is set.

Mutuduxf commented 5 months ago

Hi @Mutuduxf i just checked and not one has the repository url set. Note repository url is different to project url which is set.

OK, i will check it after the rest.

Mutuduxf commented 5 months ago

Hi @Mutuduxf i just checked and not one has the repository url set. Note repository url is different to project url which is set.

Hi @thompson-tomo , I have added repository information (RepositoryUrl and RepositoryType) to the package. You can upgrade to 2024.1.9, and feel free to contact me if you have any questions.

thompson-tomo commented 5 months ago

Looks good to me.

Mutuduxf commented 4 months ago

It looks good to me.

Hi @thompson-tomo, I have added a source link to it, which may give you more help. Of course, feel free to contact me if you have any questions.