Apaq / StompDart

A Stomp implementation for Dart heavily inspired by StompJS
Apache License 2.0
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Usage of Websocket, STOMP in flutter application #14

Open srivanigorthi opened 5 years ago

srivanigorthi commented 5 years ago

While trying to work with STOMP, websockets, facing issue for "packages get" after updating pubspec with required stomp/websocket details. I have tried for stomp, stompdart, websocket none of them worked. Error observed while running "packages get" is "The current Dart SDK version is 2.1.0-dev.4.0.flutter-4eb879133a.

Because project_name depends on stompdart >=0.0.2 which requires SDK version >=1.5.0 <2.0.0, version solving failed. pub upgrade failed (1)"

If I try to downgrade flutter version then it has thrown exception informing 'current project needs SDK version > 2.0.0

Please help to clear the issue or suggest some other way as I am using STOMP at server end.

michaelkrog commented 5 years ago

Hi.. This repo is old and dead. I havent worked with Dart or Flutter for a long time. I am sorry, but I am unable to help.