AparicioJohan / agriutilities

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alternative H2 estimation based on lme4 #1

Closed SchmidtPaul closed 3 years ago

SchmidtPaul commented 3 years ago

Hi there, just saw your work on this repository and I already like it a lot. I also saw that your work on H2 Cullis is in progress and maybe you find this useful:


You can navigate the folders to the H2 Cullis in lme4 there and will find the code below. I know that this example is probably not generally applicable but it might help anyway:


# get example data --------------------------------------------------------
dat <- agridat::john.alpha

# fit model ---------------------------------------------------------------
# random genotype effect
g.ran <- lme4::lmer(data    = dat,
                    formula = yield ~ rep + (1|gen) + (1|rep:block))

# handle model estimates --------------------------------------------------
# to my knowledge, lme4 does not offer a function to
# extract variance-covariance-matrices for BLUPs (a.k.a. prediction error variance [PEV] matrix).
# therefore, I here manually reconstruct mixed model equation for this specific example.
# notice that this solution therefore only works for this specific model!

vc <- g.ran %>% VarCorr %>% as_tibble # extract estimated variance components (vc)

# R = varcov-matrix for error term
n    <- g.ran %>% summary %>% pluck(residuals) %>% length # numer of observations
vc_e <- vc %>% filter(grp=="Residual") %>% pull(vcov)     # error vc
R    <- diag(n)*vc_e                                      # R matrix = I_n * vc_e

# G = varcov-matrx for all random effects
# subset of G regarding genotypic effects
n_g  <- g.ran %>% summary %>% pluck("ngrps") %>% pluck("gen") # number of genotypes
vc_g <- vc %>% filter(grp=="gen") %>% pull(vcov)              # genotypic vc
G_g  <- diag(n_g)*vc_g                                        # gen part of G matrix = I * vc.g

# subset of G regarding incomplete block effects
n_b  <- g.ran %>% summary %>% pluck("ngrps") %>% pluck("rep:block") # number of incomplete blocks
vc_b <- vc %>% filter(grp=="rep:block") %>% pull(vcov)              # incomplete block vc
G_b  <- diag(n_b)*vc_b                                              # incomplete block part of G matrix = I * vc.b

G <- bdiag(G_g, G_b) # G is blockdiagonal with G.g and G.b in this example

# Design Matrices
X <- g.ran %>% getME("X") %>% as.matrix # Design matrix fixed effects
Z <- g.ran %>% getME("Z") %>% as.matrix # Design matrix random effects

# Mixed Model Equation (HENDERSON 1986; SEARLE et al. 2006)
C11 <- t(X) %*% solve(R) %*% X
C12 <- t(X) %*% solve(R) %*% Z
C21 <- t(Z) %*% solve(R) %*% X
C22 <- t(Z) %*% solve(R) %*% Z + solve(G) 

C <- rbind(cbind(C11, C12),  
           cbind(C21, C22)) %>% as.matrix # Combine components into one matrix C

# Mixed Model Equation Solutions 
C_inv <- C %>% solve                             # Inverse of C
C22_g <- C_inv[levels(dat$gen), levels(dat$gen)] # subset of C.inv that refers to genotypic BLUPs

# Mean variance of BLUP-difference from C22 matrix of genotypic BLUPs
one        <- matrix(1, nrow=n_g, ncol=1)      # vector of 1s
P_mu       <- diag(n_g, n_g) - one %*% t(one)  # P_mu = matrix that centers for overall-mean
vdBLUP_sum <- psych::tr(P_mu %*% C22_g)        # sum of all variance of differences = trace of P_mu*C22_g
vdBLUP_avg <- vdBLUP_sum * (2/(n_g*(n_g-1)))   # mean variance of BLUP-difference = divide sum by number of genotype pairs

# H2 Cullis ---------------------------------------------------------------
H2Cullis <- 1 - (vdBLUP_avg / 2 / vc_g)
H2Cullis #0.8091336
AparicioJohan commented 3 years ago

Hi Paul, thanks for your comments and suggestions. I used your code some months ago and I compared it with mine and the results were very similar, something I noticed is that yours is more computationally demanding with big datasets. I modified your code and added it as a function.