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Error in `single_trial_analysis` #7

Open cculma opened 1 month ago

cculma commented 1 month ago

Hi Johan, there is an error in the function single_trial_analysis. I want to model one trait in have five environments but there is an error in the third env using the engine ASReml:

Error in data.table::rbindlist(l = list(blues_blups[[i]], objt_row_col$blues_blups)) : VECTOR_ELT() can only be applied to a 'list', not a 'NULL'.

There is other error with engine SpATS obj <- single_trial_analysis(results, progress = T, remove_outliers = T, engine = "SpATS")

Error in data.table::rbindlist(l = list(outliers[[i]], objt_row_col$outliers)) : VECTOR_ELT() can only be applied to a 'list', not a 'NULL'



AparicioJohan commented 1 month ago

Hi Cesar!

Are you able to run the analysis without that environment?

There must be something for that trait in that particular trial that is causing the problem. I would encourage you to explore more that environmental with some descriptive analysis first.

Best, Johan

cculma commented 1 month ago

Hi Johan, I did it, but the error continues. Interestingly, there is not problem using the Site-by-site analysis in MrBean.

AparicioJohan commented 4 weeks ago

Hi Cesar,

But the one in MrBean is slightly different. Could you share a screenshot of your code?

Thanks, Johan