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Benchmarking #12

Open Aparna1Gopal opened 2 years ago

Aparna1Gopal commented 2 years ago

Benchmarking Types

Aparna1Gopal commented 2 years ago

7 Steps to Benchmark Your Product’s UX https://www.nngroup.com/articles/product-ux-benchmarks/

Aparna1Gopal commented 2 years ago

An Introduction to UX Benchmarking Jeff Sauro, PhD October 4, 2017


Aparna1Gopal commented 2 years ago

BENCHMARKING UXMethods https://ux-everything.com/benchmarking/

Aparna1Gopal commented 2 years ago

The hidden powers of benchmarking in UX design It’s all about not reinventing the wheel. https://uxdesign.cc/the-hidden-powers-of-benchmarking-in-ux-design-796296f7a9c1

Aparna1Gopal commented 2 years ago

Benchmarking in UX research Test how a website or app is progressing over time.


Aparna1Gopal commented 2 years ago

Usability Benchmarking https://about.gitlab.com/handbook/engineering/ux/ux-research-training/usability-benchmarking/

Aparna1Gopal commented 2 years ago

A comprehensive guide to UX Benchmarking: Longitudinal and Competitive Our guide to a highly persuasive methodology that can help you tie user research to actual business KPIs. UserZoom Christopher Ratcliff Senior Digital Content Manager, UserZoom


Aparna1Gopal commented 2 years ago

The Top 5 UX Benchmarking Tips for Designers https://xd.adobe.com/ideas/process/user-testing/5-ux-benchmarking-tips-for-designers/

Aparna1Gopal commented 2 years ago

Benchmarking UX: Tracking Metrics

Summary: Quantitatively evaluate a product or service’s user experience by using metrics to gauge its relative performance against a meaningful standard. https://www.nngroup.com/articles/benchmarking-ux/

Aparna1Gopal commented 2 years ago

14 Ways to Measure, Quantify, and Optimize the User Experience by Janice Yau Intelligent Business HelloSign


Aparna1Gopal commented 2 years ago

Different Types of Benchmarking Examples

By Indeed Editorial Team Updated July 23, 2021 | Published February 5, 2020


Aparna1Gopal commented 1 year ago

The Pros and Cons of 5 Important User Experience Metrics


Aparna1Gopal commented 1 year ago

Benchmarking your IA (in practice)

Redesigning the Intercom blog: How Intercom redeveloped the Inside Intercom blog with a renewed focus on users Case Study: https://www.optimalworkshop.com/learn/case-studies/redesigning-the-intercom-blog/

Intercom’s blog lacked search functionality, had display issues, and presented the same content for everyone, which made the user experience less than ideal.

Intercom shared with us how they benchmarked their blog navigation and site structure with tree testing, enabling them to create a more accessible, user-centered layout and navigation with a focus on surfacing relevant, insightful content for readers.

Read the case study

Thanks, The Optimal Workshop team

Aparna1Gopal commented 1 year ago

How to benchmark your information architecture using Treejack Optimal Workshop
