Learning and Training Best Practices for UXR
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Setting up a continual Research Process loop #4

Open Aparna1Gopal opened 2 years ago

Aparna1Gopal commented 2 years ago

Setting up a continual Research Process

- Usability testing loop within teams

- Democratizing research

- Making teams self-sufficient by setting up a continual, quick and easy usability testing loop

Aparna1Gopal commented 1 year ago

Terminology & Methods for a continuous discovery research loop

Aparna1Gopal commented 1 year ago


Are Your Research Insights Distorted? How to Make Them Crystal Clear Sometimes the next steps for your insights aren't as clear as you thought. Here's how to make sure your findings are actionable. WORDS BY NIKKI ANDERSON-STANIER, VISUALS BY ALISA HARVEY


Aparna1Gopal commented 1 year ago

5 steps for UX Researchers to successfully negotiate priorities and timelines with stakeholders. Laura Faulkner PhD
