Learning and Training Best Practices for UXR
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Qualitative UXR Methods: User Interviews #8

Open Aparna1Gopal opened 2 years ago

Aparna1Gopal commented 2 years ago

Qualitative semi-structured one on one user interviews

Aparna1Gopal commented 2 years ago

Prepare for a User Interview


Slides link below. UX researchers conduct interviews with people who use a product or service to learn where the "user" or customer has good or painful experiences. This helps designers and product teams understand the needs, expectations, and context of their users. User interviews allow you to collect deep, "thick," qualitative data from real users.

Professional user researcher Cherri Pitts (yes, that's her real name) lays out how to prepare for, conduct, and report findings from a user interview.

Presentation slides https://www.slideshare.net/cherripitt...

Recorded at the UX San Antonio meetup on Thursday, March 12, 2020.

Aparna1Gopal commented 1 year ago

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Aparna1Gopal commented 1 year ago

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Aparna1Gopal commented 1 year ago

Five Qualitative Approaches to Inquiry John W. Creswell



Five Qualitative Approaches to Inquiry

  1. Narrative research

  2. Phenomenology research

  3. Grounded theory research

  4. Ethnographic research

  5. Case study research