Ape / samsungctl

Remote control Samsung televisions via a TCP/IP connection
MIT License
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Update the keys in order to include SmartHub #65

Closed pedrinho closed 6 years ago

pedrinho commented 6 years ago

closes #54

lervag commented 6 years ago

Nice! I was just thinking of looking at this, and then you already did it. :)

lervag commented 6 years ago

Although, I would also add this:

diff --git samsungctl/interactive.py samsungctl/interactive.py
index d6c2e21..c882497 100644
--- samsungctl/interactive.py
+++ samsungctl/interactive.py
@@ -10,6 +10,7 @@ _mappings = [
     ["KEY_NPAGE",     "KEY_CHDOWN",        "Page Down", "P Down"],
     ["\n",            "KEY_ENTER",         "Enter",     "Enter"],
     ["KEY_BACKSPACE", "KEY_RETURN",        "Backspace", "Return"],
+    ["h",             "KEY_CONTENTS",      "H",         "Smart Hub"],
     ["l",             "KEY_CH_LIST",       "L",         "Channel List"],
     ["m",             "KEY_MENU",          "M",         "Menu"],
     ["s",             "KEY_SOURCE",        "S",         "Source"],

That is, include the key to the samsungctl/iteractive.py.

pedrinho commented 6 years ago

Agreed. Will update the PR with this code

Ape commented 6 years ago
