ApeWorX / ape-hardhat

Hardhat network provider for the Ape Framework
Apache License 2.0
17 stars 15 forks source link

Hangs when hardhat is not installed correctly -- Node.js out of date #23

Closed johnson2427 closed 2 years ago

johnson2427 commented 2 years ago

Environment information

Node and hardhat installed globally on Ubuntu 20.04

$ ape plugins list

Installed Plugins:

hardhat 0.1.0b3.dev1+g64bca80.d20220119

* Python Version: 3.8.10
* OS: Ubuntu 20.04

### What went wrong?

Please include information like:

* ape test --network ::hardhat
def test_snapshot_and_revert(hardhat_provider):
    snap = hardhat_provider.snapshot()
    assert snap == "1"

    block_1 = hardhat_provider._web3.eth.get_block("latest")
    block_2 = hardhat_provider._web3.eth.get_block("latest")
    assert block_2.number > block_1.number
    assert block_1.hash != block_2.hash

    block_3 = hardhat_provider._web3.eth.get_block("latest")
    assert block_1.number == block_3.number
    assert block_1.hash == block_3.hash

def test_set_timestamp(hardhat_provider):
    seconds = 5
    pending_time_stamp = hardhat_provider.get_block("pending").timestamp
    time_1 = hardhat_provider.set_timestamp(seconds + pending_time_stamp)
    time_2 = hardhat_provider.set_timestamp(2 * seconds + pending_time_stamp)
    assert time_2 - time_1 == seconds


platform linux -- Python 3.8.10, pytest-6.2.5, py-1.11.0, pluggy-0.13.1
rootdir: /home/blake/ApeWorX/ape-hardhat, configfile: pyproject.toml, testpaths: tests
plugins: eth-ape-0.1.0b4, cov-3.0.0, forked-1.4.0, web3-5.26.0, xdist-2.5.0, hypothesis-6.36.0
collected 16 items                                                                                                                                                                                                                    

tests/test_hardhat.py ..........F..F..                                                                                                                                                                                          [100%]

============================================================================================================== FAILURES ===============================================================================================================
_________________________________________________________________________________________________________ test_set_timestamp __________________________________________________________________________________________________________

formatters = {'baseFeePerGas': <function apply_formatter_if at 0x7f850057c040>, 'difficulty': <function apply_formatter_if at 0x7f8...extraData': <function to_hexbytes at 0x7f84fbbb0af0>, 'gasLimit': <function apply_formatter_if at 0x7f850057c040>, ...}
value = {'baseFeePerGas': '0x0', 'difficulty': '0x20000', 'extraData': '0x', 'gasLimit': '0x1c9c380', ...}

    def apply_formatters_to_dict(
        formatters: Dict[Any, Any], value: Dict[Any, Any]
    ) -> Generator[Tuple[Any, Any], None, None]:
        for key, item in value.items():
            if key in formatters:
>                   yield key, formatters[key](item)

_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _

>   ???

_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _

>   ???

_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _

num_bytes = 32, val = None, variable_length = False

    def to_hexbytes(
        num_bytes: int, val: Union[str, int, bytes], variable_length: bool = False
    ) -> HexBytes:
        if isinstance(val, (str, int, bytes)):
            result = HexBytes(val)
>           raise TypeError("Cannot convert %r to HexBytes" % val)
E           TypeError: Cannot convert None to HexBytes

../../.local/share/virtualenvs/ape-hardhat-_w4hTD5y/lib/python3.8/site-packages/web3/_utils/method_formatters.py:126: TypeError

The above exception was the direct cause of the following exception:

hardhat_provider = HardhatProvider(name='hardhat', network=NetworkAPI(name='development', ecosystem=Ethereum(name='ethereum', network_man...1, 1, 5], process_attempts=10, mainnet_fork=None), provider_settings={}, data_folder=PosixPath('.'), request_header='')

    def test_set_timestamp(hardhat_provider):
        seconds = 5
>       pending_time_stamp = hardhat_provider.get_block("pending").timestamp

_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
../../.local/share/virtualenvs/ape-hardhat-_w4hTD5y/lib/python3.8/site-packages/ape/api/providers.py:734: in get_block
    block_data = self._web3.eth.get_block(block_id)
../../.local/share/virtualenvs/ape-hardhat-_w4hTD5y/lib/python3.8/site-packages/web3/eth.py:642: in get_block
    return self._get_block(block_identifier, full_transactions)
../../.local/share/virtualenvs/ape-hardhat-_w4hTD5y/lib/python3.8/site-packages/web3/module.py:57: in caller
    result = w3.manager.request_blocking(method_str,
../../.local/share/virtualenvs/ape-hardhat-_w4hTD5y/lib/python3.8/site-packages/web3/manager.py:197: in request_blocking
    response = self._make_request(method, params)
../../.local/share/virtualenvs/ape-hardhat-_w4hTD5y/lib/python3.8/site-packages/web3/manager.py:150: in _make_request
    return request_func(method, params)
cytoolz/functoolz.pyx:254: in cytoolz.functoolz.curry.__call__
cytoolz/functoolz.pyx:250: in cytoolz.functoolz.curry.__call__
../../.local/share/virtualenvs/ape-hardhat-_w4hTD5y/lib/python3.8/site-packages/web3/middleware/formatting.py:76: in apply_formatters
    response = make_request(method, params)
../../.local/share/virtualenvs/ape-hardhat-_w4hTD5y/lib/python3.8/site-packages/web3/middleware/gas_price_strategy.py:90: in middleware
    return make_request(method, params)
cytoolz/functoolz.pyx:254: in cytoolz.functoolz.curry.__call__
cytoolz/functoolz.pyx:250: in cytoolz.functoolz.curry.__call__
../../.local/share/virtualenvs/ape-hardhat-_w4hTD5y/lib/python3.8/site-packages/web3/middleware/formatting.py:76: in apply_formatters
    response = make_request(method, params)
../../.local/share/virtualenvs/ape-hardhat-_w4hTD5y/lib/python3.8/site-packages/web3/middleware/attrdict.py:33: in middleware
    response = make_request(method, params)
cytoolz/functoolz.pyx:254: in cytoolz.functoolz.curry.__call__
cytoolz/functoolz.pyx:250: in cytoolz.functoolz.curry.__call__
../../.local/share/virtualenvs/ape-hardhat-_w4hTD5y/lib/python3.8/site-packages/web3/middleware/formatting.py:83: in apply_formatters
cytoolz/functoolz.pyx:254: in cytoolz.functoolz.curry.__call__
cytoolz/functoolz.pyx:250: in cytoolz.functoolz.curry.__call__
../../.local/share/virtualenvs/ape-hardhat-_w4hTD5y/lib/python3.8/site-packages/eth_utils/applicators.py:72: in apply_formatter_if
    return formatter(value)
cytoolz/functoolz.pyx:254: in cytoolz.functoolz.curry.__call__
cytoolz/functoolz.pyx:250: in cytoolz.functoolz.curry.__call__
../../.local/share/virtualenvs/ape-hardhat-_w4hTD5y/lib/python3.8/site-packages/eth_utils/functional.py:45: in inner
    return callback(fn(*args, **kwargs))
_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _

formatters = {'baseFeePerGas': <function apply_formatter_if at 0x7f850057c040>, 'difficulty': <function apply_formatter_if at 0x7f8...extraData': <function to_hexbytes at 0x7f84fbbb0af0>, 'gasLimit': <function apply_formatter_if at 0x7f850057c040>, ...}
value = {'baseFeePerGas': '0x0', 'difficulty': '0x20000', 'extraData': '0x', 'gasLimit': '0x1c9c380', ...}

    def apply_formatters_to_dict(
        formatters: Dict[Any, Any], value: Dict[Any, Any]
    ) -> Generator[Tuple[Any, Any], None, None]:
        for key, item in value.items():
            if key in formatters:
                    yield key, formatters[key](item)
                except ValueError as exc:
                    new_error_message = "Could not format invalid value %r as field %r" % (
                    raise ValueError(new_error_message) from exc
                except TypeError as exc:
                    new_error_message = (
                        "Could not format invalid type of %r for field %r" % (item, key)
>                   raise TypeError(new_error_message) from exc
E                   TypeError: Could not format invalid type of None for field 'mixHash'

../../.local/share/virtualenvs/ape-hardhat-_w4hTD5y/lib/python3.8/site-packages/eth_utils/applicators.py:95: TypeError
-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Captured stdout setup --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
INFO: Connecting to existing Hardhat node at port '8545'.
--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Captured log setup ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
INFO     ape:process.py:146 Connecting to existing Hardhat node at port '8545'.
______________________________________________________________________________________________________ test_snapshot_and_revert _______________________________________________________________________________________________________

hardhat_provider = HardhatProvider(name='hardhat', network=NetworkAPI(name='development', ecosystem=Ethereum(name='ethereum', network_man...1, 1, 5], process_attempts=10, mainnet_fork=None), provider_settings={}, data_folder=PosixPath('.'), request_header='')

    def test_snapshot_and_revert(hardhat_provider):
        snap = hardhat_provider.snapshot()
>       assert snap == "1"
E       AssertionError: assert '2' == '1'
E         - 1
E         + 2

tests/test_hardhat.py:118: AssertionError
-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Captured stdout setup --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
INFO: Connecting to existing Hardhat node at port '8545'.
--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Captured log setup ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
INFO     ape:process.py:146 Connecting to existing Hardhat node at port '8545'.
========================================================================================================== warnings summary ===========================================================================================================
  /home/blake/.local/share/virtualenvs/ape-hardhat-_w4hTD5y/lib/python3.8/site-packages/_pytest/config/__init__.py:1114: PytestAssertRewriteWarning: Module already imported so cannot be rewritten: ape

  /home/blake/.local/share/virtualenvs/ape-hardhat-_w4hTD5y/lib/python3.8/site-packages/_pytest/config/__init__.py:1114: PytestAssertRewriteWarning: Module already imported so cannot be rewritten: ape_accounts

  /home/blake/.local/share/virtualenvs/ape-hardhat-_w4hTD5y/lib/python3.8/site-packages/_pytest/config/__init__.py:1114: PytestAssertRewriteWarning: Module already imported so cannot be rewritten: ape_compile

  /home/blake/.local/share/virtualenvs/ape-hardhat-_w4hTD5y/lib/python3.8/site-packages/_pytest/config/__init__.py:1114: PytestAssertRewriteWarning: Module already imported so cannot be rewritten: ape_console

  /home/blake/.local/share/virtualenvs/ape-hardhat-_w4hTD5y/lib/python3.8/site-packages/_pytest/config/__init__.py:1114: PytestAssertRewriteWarning: Module already imported so cannot be rewritten: ape_ethereum

  /home/blake/.local/share/virtualenvs/ape-hardhat-_w4hTD5y/lib/python3.8/site-packages/_pytest/config/__init__.py:1114: PytestAssertRewriteWarning: Module already imported so cannot be rewritten: ape_geth

  /home/blake/.local/share/virtualenvs/ape-hardhat-_w4hTD5y/lib/python3.8/site-packages/_pytest/config/__init__.py:1114: PytestAssertRewriteWarning: Module already imported so cannot be rewritten: ape_networks

  /home/blake/.local/share/virtualenvs/ape-hardhat-_w4hTD5y/lib/python3.8/site-packages/_pytest/config/__init__.py:1114: PytestAssertRewriteWarning: Module already imported so cannot be rewritten: ape_plugins

  /home/blake/.local/share/virtualenvs/ape-hardhat-_w4hTD5y/lib/python3.8/site-packages/_pytest/config/__init__.py:1114: PytestAssertRewriteWarning: Module already imported so cannot be rewritten: ape_pm

  /home/blake/.local/share/virtualenvs/ape-hardhat-_w4hTD5y/lib/python3.8/site-packages/_pytest/config/__init__.py:1114: PytestAssertRewriteWarning: Module already imported so cannot be rewritten: ape_run

  /home/blake/.local/share/virtualenvs/ape-hardhat-_w4hTD5y/lib/python3.8/site-packages/_pytest/config/__init__.py:1114: PytestAssertRewriteWarning: Module already imported so cannot be rewritten: ape_test

  /home/blake/.local/share/virtualenvs/ape-hardhat-_w4hTD5y/lib/python3.8/site-packages/_pytest/config/__init__.py:1114: PytestAssertRewriteWarning: Module already imported so cannot be rewritten: ens

  /home/blake/.local/share/virtualenvs/ape-hardhat-_w4hTD5y/lib/python3.8/site-packages/_pytest/config/__init__.py:1114: PytestAssertRewriteWarning: Module already imported so cannot be rewritten: web3

-- Docs: https://docs.pytest.org/en/stable/warnings.html

---------- coverage: platform linux, python 3.8.10-final-0 -----------
Name                        Stmts   Miss Branch BrPart  Cover
ape_hardhat/__init__.py        10     10      0      0     0%
ape_hardhat/exceptions.py      53     29     28      8    42%
ape_hardhat/process.py        124     62     34     11    50%
ape_hardhat/providers.py      176    117     52      8    34%
ape_hardhat/version.py          2      2      0      0     0%
TOTAL                         365    220    114     27    40%
Coverage HTML written to dir htmlcov
Coverage XML written to file coverage.xml

======================================================================================================= short test summary info =======================================================================================================
FAILED tests/test_hardhat.py::test_set_timestamp - TypeError: Could not format invalid type of None for field 'mixHash'
FAILED tests/test_hardhat.py::test_snapshot_and_revert - AssertionError: assert '2' == '1'
============================================================================================= 2 failed, 14 passed, 13 warnings in 28.70s ==============================================================================================
INFO: Stopping Hardhat node.
INFO: Stopping Hardhat node.
INFO: Stopping Hardhat node.
INFO: Stopping Hardhat node.

How can it be fixed?

Fill this in if you have ideas on how the bug could be fixed.

antazoey commented 2 years ago

This no longer stalls but instead an exception occurs. Resolved!