Added a Raycast check to the sampled position on the NavMesh the Realtor chooses around the Visitor he is following. This ensures the actual point he chooses is inside the same room as the visitor.
Also reversed the NPC Priority, because i was dumb and set it up wrong before
Setting up testing environment
In the project window navigate to Project/Assets/Scenes/UI and open the "Assignment" or "Final Exam" scene.
Press Play.
Open the console and try a command
Quit the level and go to level select
Select a level
Try the console again
Fix Review
Realtor near Visitor
[ ] The realtor doesn't stand on the other side of the wall of the npc he is following anymore (mostly used to happen near the bathroom)
These checks should always be true for your pull request
[x] My pull request is for one story/feature.
[x] Every individual commit in this pull request is logical.
[x] All code, documentation, commits and player seen texts are in English.
[x] I have deleted unused / unnecessary code.
[x] If my edits need a change in documentation, then I have updated the documentation.
[x] All code is in correspondence with the code conventions.
Added a Raycast check to the sampled position on the NavMesh the Realtor chooses around the Visitor he is following. This ensures the actual point he chooses is inside the same room as the visitor.
Also reversed the NPC Priority, because i was dumb and set it up wrong before
Setting up testing environment
Fix Review
Realtor near Visitor
These checks should always be true for your pull request