I have a problem that I cant solve. I have an ionic project to make video calls. I get calls normally between two users, the problem happens when I need to record a call.
To enable recording, I pass the following parameters in the Call () method:
var data = {};
var callConfiguration = {record: true};
var callId = this.webRTCClient.call (calleeId, data, callConfiguration);
I have a problem that I cant solve. I have an ionic project to make video calls. I get calls normally between two users, the problem happens when I need to record a call.
To enable recording, I pass the following parameters in the Call () method:
var data = {}; var callConfiguration = {record: true}; var callId = this.webRTCClient.call (calleeId, data, callConfiguration);
As configuration for the call, I have:
this.webRTCClient.setAllowMultipleCalls (true); this.webRTCClient.setVideoBandwidth (300); this.webRTCClient.setMCUConnector ('mcu4.apizee.com'); this.webRTCClient.setUserAcceptOnIncomingCall (true);
And also, I add the following Listeners:
MCURecordingStarted MCURecordedStreamsAvailable
What happens when I make the call with the recording parameter:
I cant find any documentation on how to record a video call