I recently cloned this project and run it after npm install. the app runs successfully but when i tried to add this feature in my another project and runs it .. it gives me an error
TypeError: null is not an object Evaluating (Blob.prototype)
I tried following steps
tried to link react-native-webrtc using npm link , but error persists
Tried to link manually , but error persists
Also i added all necessary dependencies i.e react-native-device-info , react-native-event-listeners,
react-native-permissions , socket.io-client and react-native-webrtc, but still giving me error
Do not forget that i do added apiRtc-React.min.js
But don't know why giving me this error. Please help me to solve this issue..
Environment Details:
Windows 10
React native version 0.62
Android real device with android 9
I recently cloned this project and run it after npm install. the app runs successfully but when i tried to add this feature in my another project and runs it .. it gives me an error TypeError: null is not an object Evaluating (Blob.prototype) I tried following steps
using npm link , but error persistsreact-native-device-info
, but still giving me errorapiRtc-React.min.js
.But don't know why giving me this error. Please help me to solve this issue..
Environment Details: Windows 10 React native version 0.62 Android real device with android 9