ApiRTC / apirtc-react-native-demo

Demo of ApiRTC with react-native
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TypeError: null is not an object Evaluating (blob.prototype) #8

Closed usmanarif12 closed 1 year ago

usmanarif12 commented 4 years ago

I recently cloned this project and run it after npm install. the app runs successfully but when i tried to add this feature in my another project and runs it .. it gives me an error TypeError: null is not an object Evaluating (Blob.prototype) I tried following steps

But don't know why giving me this error. Please help me to solve this issue..

Environment Details: Windows 10 React native version 0.62 Android real device with android 9

SavinienBarbotaud commented 1 year ago

New version of react-native-apirtc and tutorial has been released. Check https://www.npmjs.com/package/@apirtc/react-native-apirtc