Apicurio / apicurio-registry

An API/Schema registry - stores APIs and Schemas.
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[REST API] Updated the branch API to be a bit more REST compatible #4763

Closed EricWittmann closed 3 weeks ago

EricWittmann commented 3 weeks ago

The API for branches has been updated a bit. The API now looks like this:

Endpoint Operation Description
/groups/:groupId/artifacts/:artifactId/branches GET List all artifact branches.
/groups/:groupId/artifacts/:artifactId/branches POST Create a new branch, can create an empty branch or a branch with some versions.
/groups/:groupId/artifacts/:artifactId/branches/:branchId GET Get branch metadata (description, createdOn, etc)
/groups/:groupId/artifacts/:artifactId/branches/:branchId PUT Update branch metadata (description, etc).
/groups/:groupId/artifacts/:artifactId/branches/:branchId DELETE Delete the branch.
/groups/:groupId/artifacts/:artifactId/branches/:branchId/versions GET List all versions in the branch.
/groups/:groupId/artifacts/:artifactId/branches/:branchId/versions PUT Fully update the list of versions in the branch, replacing the previous list (can be used to re-order).
/groups/:groupId/artifacts/:artifactId/branches/:branchId/versions POST Add a new version to the branch.