Apicurio / apicurio-ux-design

Track design work for the Apicurio UI/UX.
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Microcks - UI refinements (sm) #25

Open Mgranfie opened 6 years ago

Mgranfie commented 6 years ago

Revise and refine implementation work


Not available with 2.0 API's, 3.0 only. Menu command Microcks page.. API Landing page UI card

MR creates a server that you publish it to and simulates the API on a fake server. Can I redo? Yes if changes have been made. Create vs. Update. And revise feedback for each use case. Have to authenticate to get into MR. ALL USERS can see ALL CONTENT. WONT detect same names and version numbers.. NO DETECTION. WHAT happens if I have not authenticated??!!! Microcks handles it. "Mock API" = publish

No Account needed to view but not to publish.

Not protected by the same KeyCloak Realm = standard SSO. Use same token.

Publish, what is the desired flow... does the user want to see the API in MR after the publish it?

Mockups here