Apollo3zehn / FluentModbus

Lightweight and fast client and server implementation of the Modbus protocol (TCP/RTU).
MIT License
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Reconnections around midnight #110

Open wartek69 opened 4 months ago

wartek69 commented 4 months ago

Hi, I'm using your library to communicate with several modbus TCP servers. All works fine but I started to notice that around midnight I have a reconnection to all the modbus TCP servers. The Modbus TCP servers I'm connecting with are plc devices, simulator written using python and embedded devices. I see this behavior with all of them. Initially I thought it was my network, but the simulators are running on the same machine as the Modbus TCP clients in the same docker network. Has anyone encountered a similar issue or can point me in the right direction for debugging? Br Alex

Apollo3zehn commented 4 months ago

Hi Alex,

FluentModbus has no time-specific components which could explain that behavior and I have never heard of any similar behavior. You could record the network traffic with Wireshark or tshark and then try to find why the connection drops.