ApolloAuto / apollo

An open autonomous driving platform
Apache License 2.0
24.71k stars 9.62k forks source link

Welcome to contribute! #15265

Open daohu527 opened 5 months ago

daohu527 commented 5 months ago


With the release of Apollo 9.0 🚀 , we have taken another small step towards autonomous driving. Of course, we get a lot of questions 🐛 . We hope that more developers and companies can join in the maintenance of the community. If you are interested, you can join the apolloauto-disscuss group. We will regularly discuss and evaluate improvements to Apollo 🍰 .


We have also noticed that online and offline discussions are also very important, so we also plan to organize online technical discussions regularly, as well as offline communication activities. If you are interested or have recommended places, please send an email to daohu527@gmail.com


We also need a lot of documentation to introduce and use Apollo, especially some technical articles. If you have good articles, we are more than welcome to learn and promote them. I think this will be of great help to the popularization and development of autonomous driving technology.

YuqiHuai commented 5 months ago

@daohu527 If we want to propose a document (technical article), where should we submit it?

daohu527 commented 5 months ago

@daohu527 If we want to propose a document (technical article), where should we submit it?

We are considering creating a new documentation repository to meet the requirements. Like other open source projects, I will discuss the contribution details in the near future to let more people participate.

maumai-Yubeen commented 4 months ago

@daohu527 We want to contribute to the Apollo Project as a corporation, just sent you an email regarding the matter!