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Unable to launch planning and send routing point from workspace terminal #15400

Open chiragr15 opened 1 month ago

chiragr15 commented 1 month ago

I am testing out planning using dreamview in the v9-rc10 version. I am unable to see routing as a module toggle option in dreamview from v9. However, I noticed that when the planning module is enabled, the routing also is enabled and hence I can send a way point and a routing request.

When I try to launch these modules from the Apollo workspace terminal, suing "cyber_launch start modules/planning/planning_component/launch/planning.launch", I am unable to send a routing request from dreamview.

I suppose that the way that dreamview/Sim Control launches planning is different from the cyber_launch command I have followed. Can you please tell me how can I launch planning & routing modules and send a way point(routing request) from dreamview?

Additionally, I tried sending a custom way point routing request by using mock_routing_request.py but this did not register as a routing request. Could you tell me how can I send a custom routing request through terminal as well?

Thank you in advance.

AOOOOOA commented 8 hours ago

I met the same problem about sending routing request using mock_routing_request.py

YuqiHuai commented 8 hours ago

@AOOOOOA check out this comment https://github.com/ApolloAuto/apollo/issues/15421#issuecomment-2146455332

AOOOOOA commented 7 hours ago

@AOOOOOA check out this comment #15421 (comment)

Thanks for your quick reply!

Actually, I'm using Apollo 8.0 with Carla 0.14 based on the Carla_Apollo_Bridge(https://github.com/guardstrikelab/carla_apollo_bridge) and trying to assign a destination to the Apollo vehicle through the command line instead of DreamView. I use the mock_route_request.py, but every time the console reports the "Routing failed," the log file shows the destination cannot be used by the navigation model. I have tested both coordinates obtained in Carla and the DreamView routing console (which indicate the position where the mouse is placed), but the error persists.

In Apollo 8.0 there is not the external process module as you mentioned in the related comment, I'm curious about the reason why the routing failed. Do you have any idea about that? I guess there may be a coordination transformation between Apollo and Carla? But I can't 100% sure.

YuqiHuai commented 7 hours ago

@AOOOOOA I see. Sorry I assumed you are also using Apollo v9. I am not too familiar with Apollo-Carla stack. But I can make some guesses:

  1. You should first try to use just Apollo’s SimControl on this map and see if routing request can be sent.
  2. In Apollo’s data/log there should be information regarding why routing failed.
  3. I’m not sure why navigation mode is being used. Did you launch navi planner?