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What is the difference between GetRoadWidth and GetLaneWidth in reference_line.cc? #15409

Open dajiba6 opened 1 month ago

dajiba6 commented 1 month ago

what do lane and road refer to?

YuqiHuai commented 1 month ago

I think you can check out map_road.proto and map_lane.proto to understand what each refers to. Seems like a road contains 1 or more lanes.

// The road is a collection of traffic elements, such as lanes, road boundary
// etc.
// It provides general information about the road.
message Road {
  optional Id id = 1;
  repeated RoadSection section = 2;

// A lane is part of a roadway, that is designated for use by a single line of
// vehicles.
// Most public roads (include highways) have more than two lanes.
message Lane {
  optional Id id = 1;