ApolloAuto / apollo

An open autonomous driving platform
Apache License 2.0
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Failed to load default routing. Please make sure the file exists at /apollo/modules/map/data/demo_default_cycle_routing.txt #15423

Closed fengmao31 closed 2 weeks ago

fengmao31 commented 3 weeks ago

Failed to load default routing. Please make sure the file exists at /apollo/modules/map/data/demo_default_cycle_routing.txt image

YuqiHuai commented 3 weeks ago

I did not encounter this error message when I launched Dreamview. I noticed once you use Route Editing (4th option on the left) and use Add Default Routing (5th option on the top), then a file named demo_default_cycle_routing.txt would appear in modules/map/data. Filename is defined here, I am not sure why they choose _ over / when concatenating ...



I manually created a file named demo_default_cycle_routing.txt with the following content

landmark {
  name: "default"
  waypoint {
    pose {
      x: 586392.840030000
      y: 4140673.012320000
  waypoint {
    pose {
      x: 586365.33
      y: 4140777.35

and now I can see this "default routing" when clicking the bottom left


Also looks like you would create one default routing for each map you want to use.

fengmao31 commented 3 weeks ago

Let's make a conclusion. IF you lack some map, please delete the container. IF you failed to load default routing, manually create the file or create default routing file in route editing. It is 5th option on the top. IF you can see nothing in module controller,please delete the container and reclone apollo repository, and rebuild the project. The last two will happen togther. I don't know whether module controller problem is caused by missing default route file.

fengmao31 commented 3 weeks ago
