ApolloAuto / apollo

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How to generate openDRIVE formate file like base_map.xml #3005

Closed hyx007 closed 3 years ago

hyx007 commented 6 years ago

Hi, I want to generate map file like base_map.xml, is there any toturials about how to generate and load openDRIVE formate file? I've download the OpenDRIVE Format Specification, Rev. 1.4 but did not find any code samples to generate .xml file, thank you very much!

msbeta commented 6 years ago

Due to the different methods by which HDMap providers collect and generate maps, the expression of HDMap elements is quite different. so we only provide the HDMap specification. As long as the HDMap provider's map can be converted into Apollo's map, they can use Apollo's services. To generate base_map.xml, you first need to have a HDMap data, and then convert the format to Apollo OpenDrive format. In addition, the Apollo OpenDrive specification has modified and extended the standard OpenDrive specification, so if necessary, you can email us to get the Apollo OpenDrive specification.

selwart12 commented 6 years ago

Does Apollo have a scripted method to generate base_map.xml directly from GPS and LiDAR data? How was the Sunnyvale map created. Can you share the steps or point me to documentation?

markcraw commented 6 years ago

Can you please email me the Apollo map specification? mark.crawford@havalus.com

wqqn commented 6 years ago

I am also interesting of the Baidu OpenDrive specification. Could you email it to me? nian.wu99@gmail.com

drwnz commented 6 years ago

Hi, I would also like more information on the Apollo OpenDrive specification. If you could email me on david@lifecyclist.co.nz it would be much appreciated! Thanks.

ankitvora7 commented 6 years ago

Hi can you email me the Apollo OpenDrive specification please ? ankitvora19@gmail.com

maziqiqi commented 6 years ago

Hi can you email me the Apollo OpenDrive specification please ? m17801067011@163.com

tintinchou commented 6 years ago

Hi can you email me the Apollo OpenDrive specification please ? tintinchou@gmail.com

stiaszny commented 6 years ago

Good information, but let's say I have no HDmap. How do I create one? I see there are some tools, like create_map_from_mobileye.sh and create_map_from_xy.sh (which can presumably be used with UTM coordinates), but are there any tools in Apollo that will allow you to add junctions and signals and link roads together? How did the Apollo team create the sunnyvale_loop demo maps, and is that technology available to Apollo users in any form?

filipkarlsson commented 6 years ago

Hi! Can you please email me the Apollo OpenDrive specification? filkarl@student.chalmers.se

msbeta commented 6 years ago

@selwart12 @stiaszny There is no method or tools to generate base_map.xml directly from GPS and LiDAR data now. The steps we generate Apollo HDMap are roughly as follows:

  1. collect Lidar data,GPS data, IMU data, Camera data, etc. through HDMap collection vehicles;
  2. process point cloud data using technologies such as Lidar SLAM;
  3. Identify road elements through machine learning, deep learning,etc. to generate HDMap data, which may contains some misidentified data.
  4. manually correct the automatically generated HDMap and construct logical relationships between the map elements to generate the final HDMap.

The technology we create the HDMaps is not available to users now, but we will open our methods how to collect map data through HDMap collection vehicles in the near future.

Smashingkeyboard commented 6 years ago

Hi! @msbeta I would be very appreciated if you can send me copy of Apollo OpenDrive specification! Obeeee@163.com

msbeta commented 6 years ago

Sorry for this late reply, We will email the Apollo OpenDrive specification to everyone,thanks.

stiaszny commented 6 years ago

Fantastic - can you send one to me at shwagocytosis@gmail.com? Thanks!

Smashingkeyboard commented 6 years ago

@msbeta I think I may have problem receiving the Specification? If you have already send the Specification, Could you send me with it again? with this email address tangz3@miamioh.edu and Obeeee@163.com Thank you!

Smashingkeyboard commented 6 years ago

@msbeta I apologize for being annoying! Is there any problem with the Specification? I would be really appreciated if you can tell me how long should I wait for it

msbeta commented 6 years ago

@Smashingkeyboard I will ask my colleague to send you the Specification as soon as possible.It is expected to be sent out today.

wang87325 commented 6 years ago

@msbeta Hi can you email me the Apollo OpenDrive specification please ? wang_87325@163.com

bumnabi commented 6 years ago

@msbeta Hi can you email me the Apollo OpenDrive specification please ? sungyun.jung@swmobile.co.kr it would be much appreciated! Thanks.

Zhenni17 commented 6 years ago

Hi @markcraw @wqqn @bumnabi @wang87325 @Smashingkeyboard @stiaszny @filipkarlsson @tintinchou @maziqiqi @ankitvora7 @drwnz , you should receive an email directly from me with the Apollo map specification document attached. Please feel free to let me know if there are any other issues we can help with on the map side! Thank you for your support in Apollo! 👍

paulCBS commented 6 years ago

@msbeta Hi can you email me the Apollo OpenDrive specification please ? paulbaoshan@gmail.com

msbeta commented 6 years ago

hi, @paulCBS , I have already emailed the Apollo map specification document to you. Please feel free to let me know if there are any other issues we can help with on the map side, thanks!

candyguo commented 6 years ago

Fantastic - can you send apollo map specification to me at candyguo_fly@163.com? Thanks!

DLH1 commented 6 years ago

@msbeta Could I have a Apollo OpenDrive specs as well? Thanks. daniel.heckman@mscsoftware.com

yuzhangbit commented 6 years ago

Hi, @msbeta . Could you please send me the Apollo OpenDrive specs as well? [yu.zhang.bit@gmail.com]() Thanks!

DavidKelleySCSC commented 6 years ago

To add to the list.... @msbeta Hi can you email me the Apollo OpenDrive specification please ? davidkelley@itsware.net

Evan4Future commented 6 years ago

Hi, @Zhenni17 @msbeta. Can I have a copy of the Apollo OpenDrive specification? Thanks. nailrose@163.com

KitFung commented 6 years ago

Hi, @Zhenni17 @msbeta. Can I have a copy of the Apollo OpenDrive specification? Thanks. sa9510@gmail.com

Zhenni17 commented 6 years ago

@candyguo @DLH1 @yuzhangbit @DavidKelleySCSC @Evan-Autonomous-Vehicle @KitFung you should all received the OpenDrive Specs from me directly. Please @ me know if you did not receive the email.

For anyone is interested in the OpenDrive specs documentation, feel free to email me directly at wuzhenni01@baidu.com.

Thank you for supporting Apollo!

sundermann commented 6 years ago

Hi, @Zhenni17 @msbeta. I'd like to have a copy of the specification as well. s.sundermann@fu-berlin.de

lijian8 commented 6 years ago

Hi, @Zhenni17 @msbeta. I'd like to have a copy of the specification as well, thanks very much. lijian8@gmail.com

breakisx commented 6 years ago

Hi @Zhenni17 , Please send The Apollo OpenDrive to me, Thank you ! 2711102313@qq.com

Zhenni17 commented 6 years ago

Hi @breakisx, I tried to send you the document but the email was bounced back. Do you have a different email address that I can send it to?

chasingw commented 6 years ago

Hi @Zhenni17, Can I have a copy of the Apollo OpenDrive specification? Thanks cchasingw@gmail.com

Zhenni17 commented 6 years ago

@chasingw , just sent you the documentations! Please let me know if you did not receive it.

sundermann commented 6 years ago

Hey @Zhenni17 I did not receive the specification yet. Can you try to send it to me again? s.sundermann@fu-berlin.de Thanks!

RenxiAi commented 6 years ago

@msbeta @Zhenni17 Hi can you email me the Apollo OpenDrive specification please ? 951985134@qq.com Thank you.

0ldWang commented 6 years ago

Hi, @Zhenni17 can you email me the Apollo OpenDrive specification please? wangwei_ict@163.com Thanks.

daluoozi commented 6 years ago

hi,I want the specification too,thank you very much!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!@Zhenni17 @msbeta zhangzhizheng100@126.com

Peter9606 commented 6 years ago

Hi, @Zhenni17 @msbeta. Can I have a copy of the Apollo OpenDrive specification? Thanks. peter9606@hotmail.com

AsuradaSeed commented 6 years ago

Hi, @msbeta, Could you please send me a copy of Apollo OpenDrive specification as well? Thank you. lvjixin@gmail.com

Zhenni17 commented 6 years ago

@AsuradaSeed , just sent you the document!

zoidzilla commented 6 years ago

Hello, could I have the Apollo OpenDrive Map specification please? Thank you so much! kondaxakis@gmail.com

jzhao1984 commented 6 years ago

@Zhenni17 Hi Zhenni, can you send me a copy of the Apollo OpenDrive Map sepecification please? thank you very much! 187201745@qq.com

margareteneves commented 6 years ago

Hi @Zhenni17 @msbeta, can you send me a copy of the Apollo OpenDrive Map specification please? thank you very much! margareteneves@gmail.com

ayeganov commented 6 years ago

@Zhenni17 Hi Zhenni, could you email me the Apollo OpenDrive specification, please? ay@isee.ai

cheninnerv commented 6 years ago

Hi, @Zhenni17 @msbeta. Can I have a copy of the Apollo OpenDrive specification please? Thanks. kchen12@binghamton.edu

RenxiAi commented 6 years ago

Hi,@Zhenni17 @msbeta. Can I have a copy of the Apollo OpenDrive specification please? Thanks. 951985134@qq.com

SanduIrina commented 6 years ago

Could you email me the specification as well please? Thank you. sandu.irina2@gmail.com

gengqx commented 6 years ago

Hi,@Zhenni17 @msbeta.Can I have a copy of the Apollo OpenDrive specification please? Thanks. geng.qx@cidi.ai