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Library for methods related to the Local Interaction Basis (LIB)
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Stochastic sources jacobian basis #296

Closed stefan-apollo closed 6 months ago

stefan-apollo commented 6 months ago

Implement stochastic sources (for LMs) for the jacobian basis. Over out_pos, out_hidden, or both.


Other changes


Before merge

stefan-apollo commented 6 months ago

Pre-stochastic sources: image

Post-stochastic sources with legacy settings (should be identical up to numerics): This corresponds to 110 or 212 "trivial sources". image

In both cases, time to calculate Cs: 0.36 minutes.

n_stochastic_sources = 1 (Time to calculate Cs: 0.01 minutes): image

n_stochastic_sources = 5 (Time to calculate Cs: 0.03 minutes): image

n_stochastic_sources = 100: image

Edit: On closer inspection of the pngs you do see small changes when stochastic sources are enabled, and even 100 is not enough

This seems insanely good when judging by eye, will plot imshow comparisons of edges now.

stefan-apollo commented 6 months ago

Direct comparison of edge values: Normalisation seems off: image

Though even with normalization separate it seems to be this weird image

stefan-apollo commented 6 months ago

Edge ablation comparison.

Full run

            "122": 1.0,
            "111": 0.9992167101827676,
            "101": 0.9981723237597911,
            "92": 0.995822454308094,
            "83": 0.948041775456919,
            "75": 0.927154046997389,
            "68": 0.8684073107049608,
            "61": 0.8052219321148825,

100 stochastuic siurces

            "134": 1.0,
            "122": 0.9997389033942559,
            "111": 0.9994778067885117,
            "101": 0.9981723237597911,
            "92": 0.993733681462141,
            "83": 0.974934725848564,
            "75": 0.9506527415143603,
            "68": 0.9336814621409921,
            "61": 0.8986945169712793,
            "55": 0.7997389033942559,
            "49": 0.8203655352480418,

5 stochastic sources:

            "148": 1.0,
            "134": 0.9997389033942559,
            "122": 0.9997389033942559,
            "111": 0.9992167101827676,
            "101": 0.9950391644908616,
            "92": 0.9798955613577024,
            "83": 0.9644908616187989,
            "75": 0.9446475195822455,
            "68": 0.9052219321148826,
            "61": 0.8454308093994778,
            "55": 0.8140992167101828,
            "49": 0.8096605744125326,

Stochastic sources need ~25 more edges for 100% accuracy, and ~10 more edges for 99% accuracy

stefan-apollo commented 6 months ago



stefan-apollo commented 6 months ago

Implement choice of stochastic sources on pos-only or hidden-dim-only

Done in #302

stefan-apollo commented 6 months ago

Tested on TinyStories. Stochastic sources seem to not make much of a difference: image

stefan-apollo commented 6 months ago

Sources on out_hidden rather than out_pos (above). image

stefan-apollo commented 6 months ago

Edit: Nix and Lucius found the bug!

I'm currently confused about the performance of the both case. I remember edge-ablations performed well (checking again now), but the result edge value comparisons seem to fail badly (see failing test)

stefan-apollo commented 6 months ago

Yeah ablation tests seem fine. Maybe normalization is broken? image (compare to baseline above)

stefan-apollo commented 6 months ago

Huh, looks like I've added too many / too slow tests :(

stefan-apollo commented 6 months ago

Better interface: Have two n_ arguments rather than one n_ and one dim_ argument


stefan-apollo commented 6 months ago

Yeah ablation tests seem fine. Maybe normalization is broken?

The normalization for the both case seems all over the place