ApolloScapeAuto / dataset-api

The ApolloScape Open Dataset for Autonomous Driving and its Application.
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Semantic Segmentation #102

Open LAZOO61 opened 2 years ago

LAZOO61 commented 2 years ago

Hello, I have the following problem: I want to train with the sem_seg data set. With the Ground Truth picture I cannot visualize the sky with one color. It is always displayed with the color black. Do you have an idea why? Bildschirmfoto vom 2022-01-11 16-35-17 Bildschirmfoto vom 2022-01-11 16-35-58 Bildschirmfoto vom 2022-01-11 16-36-34

Many thanks in advance

dingfuzhou commented 2 years ago

Hi, the sky has not been labeled in this dataset.

On Tue, Jan 11, 2022 at 11:41 PM LAZOO61 @.***> wrote:

Hello, I have the following problem: I want to train with the sem_seg data set. With the Ground Truth picture I cannot visualize the sky with one color. It is always displayed with the color black. Do you have an idea why? [image: Bildschirmfoto vom 2022-01-11 16-35-17] https://user-images.githubusercontent.com/93947050/148973802-efce8850-5d6b-47d8-8a3e-dce57380c596.png [image: Bildschirmfoto vom 2022-01-11 16-35-58] https://user-images.githubusercontent.com/93947050/148973809-7e518059-7ee8-446d-9d0f-dbb46c7ac6fe.png [image: Bildschirmfoto vom 2022-01-11 16-36-34] https://user-images.githubusercontent.com/93947050/148973815-fcb8ff4f-be3b-4858-965b-76d3fe5487c1.png

Many thanks in advance

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Dingfu Zhou

Researcher, PhD

Email: @., @. @.***>

LAZOO61 commented 2 years ago

Are you sure? On the internet there are examples of semantic segmentation at Apolloscape. The pictures show the sky? 30E66A21-D3F9-4C8B-84B6-95F506F02609