ApolloScapeAuto / dataset-api

The ApolloScape Open Dataset for Autonomous Driving and its Application.
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Evaluation metrics of Car 3d Instance are diffrent from apollocar3D paper. #105

Open gywns6287 opened 2 years ago

gywns6287 commented 2 years ago


I want to use the eval_car_instances.py code to evaluate the performance of my own model, which can estimate 6DoF poses and 3D mesh.

However, I observed that the evaluation metrics in this code are different from the metrics in apollocar3D paper (CVPR 2019), which are A3DP-Rel (mean, c-l, c-s) and A3DP-Abs (mean, c-l, c-s). For instance, the code simply extracts mesh IOU from the sim_mat.txt[GT Car ID][Pred Car ID].

Can i get the code to evaluate the metrics in the paper??

thank you.