ApolloScapeAuto / dataset-api

The ApolloScape Open Dataset for Autonomous Driving and its Application.
Apache License 2.0
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About the trajectory prediction section of the API #138

Closed 76qian closed 1 year ago

76qian commented 1 year ago

Hello, I am currently testing code using the trajectory prediction section of the API, and I have two questions to ask you.

  1. I encountered an error while running the test code - AttributeError: 'map' object has no attribute 'count'. The error is shown in the figure. How can I resolve this error?
  2. After commenting out the 41st line of code, the code can run successfully. I input the results obtained from other models into this code, and the final test results differ greatly from the evaluation results. The evaluation results are WSADE=0.827 and WSFDE=1.479, but the test results are as shown in the second figure. What may be the reason for this? I have been troubled by these issues for a long time and look forward to your reply and help. I will express my gratitude to you when publishing my paper. 微信图片_20230510101526 微信图片_20230510101542
sibozhang commented 1 year ago