Apollon77 / I2CSoilMoistureSensor

Simple Arduino Library for the I2C Soil Moisture Sensor version from Chirp (https://github.com/Miceuz/i2c-moisture-sensor)
MIT License
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Reading of getCapacitance() gets "historical data" #11

Closed bilbolodz closed 7 years ago

bilbolodz commented 7 years ago

First reading of getCapacitance() provide "old data". To get current moisture reading you have to call getCapacitance() twice.

Apollon77 commented 7 years ago

I did not experienced this. Do you have waited a bit after starting the sensor? Such a behavious is only known for light measurements as I remember

bilbolodz commented 7 years ago

It's battery powered sensor so after reading I'm putting it into sleep mode. And I'm not using light sensor (main purpose is soil moisture sensor)

Apollon77 commented 7 years ago

Can you please check if your problem is a duplicate to https://github.com/Apollon77/I2CSoilMoistureSensor/issues/8 and solutions there work too?

bilbolodz commented 7 years ago

I will try it this evening.

bilbolodz commented 7 years ago

No It's not the same issue. It's not connected with sleeping/not sleeping. Solution "reading sensor version" also not working. My code is:

` void loop() { [..] while (sensor.isBusy()) wait(50); float tempC = sensor.getTemperature() / (float)10;

if defined MY_DEBUG1

Serial.print(F("Temp C: ")); Serial.println(tempC);


int sensorValueM;

//First reading gets old value so we need to read twice while (sensor.isBusy()) wait(50); sensorValueM = sensor.getCapacitance();

while (sensor.isBusy()) wait(50); sensorValueM = sensor.getCapacitance();


int moistureLevel = min(map(sensorValueM, min_hum_adc, max_hum_adc, 0, 100), 100);

moistureLevel = max(0, moistureLevel);

if defined MY_DEBUG1

Serial.print(F("Hum i2c: ")); Serial.print(sensorValueM); Serial.print(F(" Humidity: ")); Serial.print(moistureLevel); Serial.println(F(" %"));


[..] `

Apollon77 commented 7 years ago

@Miceuz: doyou have an idea?!

bilbolodz commented 7 years ago

It could be some interaction with Mysensors code

Miceuz commented 7 years ago

Yes, this is true. When you are reading the sensor, you are getting data from the last read. If you are doing rare reads, you should do two reads.

This is done to avoid clock stretching issues with a lot of the controllers. Clock stretching is very poorly supported over a wide variety of controllers - Raspberry Pi, ESP8266 to name a few important ones. That's why sensor returns a previous reading and makes another one after each call.

bilbolodz commented 7 years ago

So "it's feature not a bug"? It's battery powered sleeping sensor so reads are indeed rare.

Miceuz commented 7 years ago

Well, it's neither feature, nor a bug. A workaround for buggy world. I should add this to the documentation.

Apollon77 commented 7 years ago

;-)) Thank you for all your support! I will close this one.

bilbolodz commented 7 years ago

I should add this to the documentation. Very good idea