Apollon77 / ioBroker.daikin-cloud

ioBroker Adapter for Daikin-Cloud devices
MIT License
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Schedules: datapoints empty #173

Open gituser-rk opened 1 year ago

gituser-rk commented 1 year ago

schedules which were created in the Onecta App are not visible in the datapoints of the daikin-cloud adapter: daikin-cloud.0.[UUID].climateControl.schedule.modes.any.schedules.0 A schedule.0 was set and the datapoint stays empty

these datapoints are working, meaning they reflect the setting made in the ONECTA App: daikin-cloud.0.[UUID].climateControl.schedule.modes.any.currentSchedule daikin-cloud.0.[UUID].climateControl.schedule.modes.any.enabled

Would be great to be able to read-out the schedule. Anyway, thanks for the adapter!

Apollon77 commented 1 year ago

The main issue here is how to structure this as states in ioBrokr because it is a lot of data ...

gituser-rk commented 1 year ago

for me, it would be ok to have the data structure 'as is' (JSON?) and parse it from the datapoint.

Apollon77 commented 10 months ago

But what you do with it if it is read-only?