Apollon77 / ioBroker.daikin-cloud

ioBroker Adapter for Daikin-Cloud devices
MIT License
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Additional Data fields? #208

Open indie89 opened 6 months ago

indie89 commented 6 months ago

The WiFi Controller with local Interface supplies some additional information (e.g. Indoor humidity and compressor frequency). Is there any Chance to receive these Data Points from Cloud communication too?

Also See https://www.akkudoktor.net/forum/postid/169884/ AS an example


Apollon77 commented 6 months ago

I can not access the image, but in fact for local interface use iobroker.daikin adapter. for cloud data it all depemnds on which data daikin delivers back. you can post a debug log from adapterstart (taken from disk and not admin!) and check if it is in such a JSON

indie89 commented 6 months ago

Thanks for your reply. Sorry for not having attached the image directly. Here we go: image

As I have the "wrong" wifi module installed, I have to use the cloud adapter. Sure, the adapter can only display what gets transferred via json. Can you pls explain briefly, how I can create and access a debug log from the adapter taken from the disk, then I will gladly do this!

Apollon77 commented 6 months ago

Admin - Expertmode - Instances - expand daikin-cloud.0 - set Loglevel to debug ... this restarts the adapter. grab log from logfile on /opt/iobroker/log/...

indie89 commented 6 months ago

oh, I just saw, that one of my 3 indoor units of the triple split has a BRP069B4X wifi controller. So I could use your "local" adapter in order to receive cmp-frequency and indoor humidity (all the additional data, I wanted to grab). Should I try to send you the logfiles for the cloud adapter anyways in order to assess if any additional fields are transferred over JSON?

Apollon77 commented 6 months ago

Feel free.if the data are in they should be already there