Apollon77 / ioBroker.homekit-controller

Pair and control HomeKit devices directly
MIT License
16 stars 8 forks source link

Eve Light Switch (BLE): pairing doesn't work #248

Closed cburghardt closed 1 year ago

cburghardt commented 1 year ago

I have the following device which uses BLE (apart from Thread): Service: {"name":"Eve Light Switch F797","CoID":76,"TY":6,"AIL":49,"SF":1,"DeviceID":"af:96:df:07:43:9f","ACID":8,"GSN":2,"CN":2,"CV":2,"c#":2,"id":"af:96:df:07:43:9f","ci":8,"availableToPair":true}

When I try to pair I get:

2022-12-24 00:34:17.667  - info: homekit-controller.0 (11872) Cannot retrieve BLE PairMethod for device BLE-AF:96:DF:07:43:9F because of error undefined: Cannot read properties of undefined (reading 'state'), try default
2022-12-24 00:34:17.667  - info: homekit-controller.0 (11872) Use PairMethod 0 to pair BLE-AF:96:DF:07:43:9F
2022-12-24 00:34:17.668  - debug: homekit-controller.0 (11872) BLE-AF:96:DF:07:43:9F Waiting for BLE discovery of this device for proper initialization
2022-12-24 00:34:17.669  - info: homekit-controller.0 (11872) Cannot pair with device BLE-AF:96:DF:07:43:9F because Client initialization not successful

hciconfig hci0: hci0: Type: Primary Bus: USB BD Address: 5C:F3:70:93:BD:C6 ACL MTU: 1021:8 SCO MTU: 64:1 UP RUNNING RX bytes:19544418 acl:60 sco:0 events:627237 errors:0 TX bytes:4834 acl:17 sco:0 commands:260 errors:0

Apollon77 commented 1 year ago

Which adapterversion do you use? Please provide an enhanced debug log as described in readme

cburghardt commented 1 year ago

This is version 0.5.2

2022-12-24 09:15:36.913  - debug: homekit-controller.0 (13777) Redis Objects: Use Redis connection: docker:9001
2022-12-24 09:15:36.986  - debug: homekit-controller.0 (13777) Objects client ready ... initialize now
2022-12-24 09:15:36.994  - debug: homekit-controller.0 (13777) Objects create System PubSub Client
2022-12-24 09:15:36.997  - debug: homekit-controller.0 (13777) Objects create User PubSub Client
2022-12-24 09:15:37.041  - debug: homekit-controller.0 (13777) Objects client initialize lua scripts
2022-12-24 09:15:37.054  - debug: homekit-controller.0 (13777) Objects connected to redis: docker:9001
2022-12-24 09:15:37.092  - debug: homekit-controller.0 (13777) Redis States: Use Redis connection: docker:9000
2022-12-24 09:15:37.105  - debug: homekit-controller.0 (13777) States create System PubSub Client
2022-12-24 09:15:37.108  - debug: homekit-controller.0 (13777) States create User PubSub Client
2022-12-24 09:15:37.171  - debug: homekit-controller.0 (13777) States connected to redis: docker:9000
2022-12-24 09:15:37.231  - debug: homekit-controller.0 (13777) Plugin sentry Initialize Plugin (enabled=true)
2022-12-24 09:15:37.392  - error: homekit-controller.0 (13777) adapter disabled
2022-12-24 09:15:37.474  - info: homekit-controller.0 (13777) starting. Version 0.5.2 in /opt/iobroker/node_modules/iobroker.homekit-controller, node: v16.18.1, js-controller: 4.0.24
ERROR:  Could not load manufacturer list from "./manufactures-hex.json".
    Please see "/opt/iobroker/node_modules/iobroker.homekit-controller/node_modules/@abandonware/noble/scripts/manufactures/README.md" for instructions.
ERROR:  Could not load manufacturer list from "./manufactures-dec.json".
    Please see "/opt/iobroker/node_modules/iobroker.homekit-controller/node_modules/@abandonware/noble/scripts/manufactures/README.md" for instructions.
2022-12-24 09:15:37.595  - debug: homekit-controller.0 (13777) Init 3 known devices without discovery ...
2022-12-24 09:15:37.596  - debug: homekit-controller.0 (13777) Init IP-48:2E:D4:2C:25:84 as known device
2022-12-24 09:15:37.598  - debug: homekit-controller.0 (13777) IP-48:2E:D4:2C:25:84 Start Homekit Device Client initialization on
2022-12-24 09:15:37.600  - debug: homekit-controller.0 (13777) Service: {"name":"DIRIGERA","address":"","port":8000,"c#":2,"ff":1,"id":"48:2E:D4:2C:25:84","md":"DIRIGERA Hub for smart products","pv":"1.1","s#":9,"sf":0,"ci":2,"availableToPair":false}
2022-12-24 09:15:37.607  - debug: homekit-controller.0 (13777) IP-48:2E:D4:2C:25:84 Request Accessory information
2022-12-24 09:15:37.611  - debug: homekit-controller.0 (13777)   hap-controller:http-client Start Pair-Verify process ...
2022-12-24 09:15:37.614  - debug: homekit-controller.0 (13777)   hap-controller:tlv Add 1 bytes for tag 6: 01
2022-12-24 09:15:37.616  - debug: homekit-controller.0 (13777)   hap-controller:tlv Add 32 bytes for tag 3: 8012376fe95f57ad0d283bb4db3bf3e84abac708b3b3126ec0b6b82e6cc0937a
2022-12-24 09:15:37.617  - debug: homekit-controller.0 (13777)   hap-controller:http-connection POST /pair-verify 06010103208012376fe95f57ad0d283bb4db3bf3e84abac708b3b3126ec0b6b82e6cc0937a (application/pairing+tlv8)
2022-12-24 09:15:37.632  - debug: homekit-controller.0 (13777)   hap-controller:http-connection Response 200 with 140 byte data
2022-12-24 09:15:37.634  - debug: homekit-controller.0 (13777)   hap-controller:tlv Read 1 bytes for tag 6: 02
2022-12-24 09:15:37.635  - debug: homekit-controller.0 (13777)   hap-controller:tlv Read 32 bytes for tag 3: 646a6733a71b373f14963606de43c03c5e44e8a238acb97c3a6b0da04d8b481c
2022-12-24 09:15:37.636  - debug: homekit-controller.0 (13777)   hap-controller:tlv Read 101 bytes for tag 5: 324284312d09db08ac1170d89b8b35a4d54941dba94039e2cfbdd0d18c77e1d3dfcc140105e9a6eab598df7459531933a84988119725d6bc3866b9e2886a37bb9bc8951cfb373f334b35f7ecbbc62543c1b7f000202bf9e627bf536205d47ec6cb7d8b6a7c
2022-12-24 09:15:37.644  - debug: homekit-controller.0 (13777)   hap-controller:tlv Read 17 bytes for tag 1: 34383a32453a44343a32433a32353a3834
2022-12-24 09:15:37.645  - debug: homekit-controller.0 (13777)   hap-controller:tlv Read 64 bytes for tag 10: 3d0884619ea71265e712a5fdc95a597f7ed7f204e0ff1165ba5ed57a74071fdf51756ef3a34b810ea05e6dc6497d8cc7e157fc758c46a15ef47f5f15f1b9f60e
2022-12-24 09:15:37.648  - debug: homekit-controller.0 (13777)   hap-controller:tlv Add 36 bytes for tag 1: 39663765653935332d613662642d343336312d613039662d373763323130356332316566
2022-12-24 09:15:37.649  - debug: homekit-controller.0 (13777)   hap-controller:tlv Add 64 bytes for tag 10: 17031f2bb9ddc299ae12022d9140855eff3ff1480aea993c4be3432593902cd2d3c8eca4e7b90bb1e1a3f8bb5f2d9bc97c257f432b16318c59944ec5d8946a0f
2022-12-24 09:15:37.650  - debug: homekit-controller.0 (13777)   hap-controller:tlv Add 1 bytes for tag 6: 03
2022-12-24 09:15:37.651  - debug: homekit-controller.0 (13777)   hap-controller:tlv Add 120 bytes for tag 5: 9f4a232478c7d041f3e57c54eb46aac2891bc0cf506487286f79550e165b4de2fdfff29f6028f7e539b50c65edc05d5e06ac34aecb5a8ecc675a1c81bfc2f3c597e44c562825386fe57832640cc4e9f652cf17bac4ab4be5447c78e57cfe6941425671938f4addd32401d6882ee3d82a9119fdea04b99519
2022-12-24 09:15:37.651  - debug: homekit-controller.0 (13777)   hap-controller:http-connection POST /pair-verify 06010305789f4a232478c7d041f3e57c54eb46aac2891bc0cf506487286f79550e165b4de2fdfff29f6028f7e539b50c65edc05d5e06ac34aecb5a8ecc675a1c81bfc2f3c597e44c562825386fe57832640cc4e9f652cf17bac4ab4be5447c78e57cfe6941425671938f4addd32401d6882ee3d82a9119fdea04b99519 (application/pairing+tlv8)
2022-12-24 09:15:37.658  - debug: homekit-controller.0 (13777)   hap-controller:http-connection Response 200 with 3 byte data
2022-12-24 09:15:37.659  - debug: homekit-controller.0 (13777)   hap-controller:tlv Read 1 bytes for tag 6: 04
2022-12-24 09:15:37.660  - debug: homekit-controller.0 (13777)   hap-controller:http-client Finished Pair-Verify process ...
2022-12-24 09:15:37.662  - debug: homekit-controller.0 (13777)   hap-controller:http-client New persistent connection client initialized
2022-12-24 09:15:37.663  - debug: homekit-controller.0 (13777)   hap-controller:http-connection GET /accessories
2022-12-24 09:15:37.685  - debug: homekit-controller.0 (13777)   hap-controller:http-connection Response 200 with 1625 byte data
2022-12-24 09:15:37.686  - debug: homekit-controller.0 (13777) IP-48:2E:D4:2C:25:84 Accessory Structure: {"accessories":[{"aid":1,"services":[{"iid":1,"type":"0000003E-0000-1000-8000-0026BB765291","primary":true,"hidden":false,"characteristics":[{"iid":2,"type":"00000014-0000-1000-8000-0026BB765291","format":"bool","perms":["pw"]},{"iid":3,"type":"00000020-0000-1000-8000-0026BB765291","format":"string","value":"IKEA of Sweden","perms":["pr"],"ev":false,"enc":false},{"iid":4,"type":"00000021-0000-1000-8000-0026BB765291","format":"string","value":"DIRIGERA Hub for smart products","perms":["pr"],"ev":false,"enc":false},{"iid":5,"type":"00000023-0000-1000-8000-0026BB765291","format":"string","value":"DIRIGERA","perms":["pr"],"ev":false,"enc":false},{"iid":6,"type":"00000030-0000-1000-8000-0026BB765291","format":"string","value":"5b4a42fa-b032-4cf8-b747-7e88599aff3b","perms":["pr"],"ev":false,"enc":false},{"iid":7,"type":"00000052-0000-1000-8000-0026BB765291","format":"string","value":"2.155.1","perms":["pr"],"ev":false,"enc":false},{"iid":8,"type":"00000053-0000-1000-8000-0026BB765291","format":"string","value":"2.5","perms":["pr"],"ev":false,"enc":false},{"iid":9,"type":"34AB8811-AC7F-4340-BAC3-FD6A85F9943B","format":"string","value":"6.1;72ca72be","perms":["pr","hd"],"ev":false,"enc":false},{"iid":10,"type":"00000220-0000-1000-8000-0026BB765291","format":"data","value":"p80Yzz//MRk=","perms":["pr"],"ev":false,"enc":false,"maxDataLen":8}]},{"iid":16,"type":"000000A2-0000-1000-8000-0026BB765291","primary":false,"hidden":false,"characteristics":[{"iid":18,"type":"00000037-0000-1000-8000-0026BB765291","format":"string","value":"1.1.0","perms":["pr"],"ev":false,"enc":false}]},{"iid":64,"type":"0000022A-0000-1000-8000-0026BB765291","primary":false,"hidden":false,"characteristics":[{"iid":66,"type":"0000022B-0000-1000-8000-0026BB765291","format":"bool","value":0,"perms":["pr"],"ev":false,"enc":false},{"iid":67,"type":"0000022C-0000-1000-8000-0026BB765291","format":"uint32","value":11,"perms":["pr"],"ev":false,"enc":false,"minValue":0,"maxValue":15,"minStep":1},{"iid":68,"type":"0000022D-0000-1000-8000-0026BB765291","format":"tlv8","value":"","perms":["pr","pw","ev","tw","wr"],"ev":false,"enc":false}]}]}]}
2022-12-24 09:15:37.862  - debug: homekit-controller.0 (13777) IP-48:2E:D4:2C:25:84 initialize Object homekit-controller.0.IP-48:2E:D4:2C:25:84.1.accessory-information-1.product-data with Converter base64
2022-12-24 09:15:37.874  - debug: homekit-controller.0 (13777) IP-48:2E:D4:2C:25:84 initialize Object homekit-controller.0.IP-48:2E:D4:2C:25:84.1.wifi-transport-64.current-transport with Converter number-to-boolean
2022-12-24 09:15:37.890  - debug: homekit-controller.0 (13777) IP-48:2E:D4:2C:25:84 initialize Object homekit-controller.0.IP-48:2E:D4:2C:25:84.1.wifi-transport-64.wifi-configuration-control with Converter undefined and stateChangeFunction
2022-12-24 09:15:37.906  - debug: homekit-controller.0 (13777) Device IP-48:2E:D4:2C:25:84 collected polling IDs: ["1.3","1.4","1.5","1.6","1.7","1.8","1.9","1.10","1.66","1.67","1.68"]
2022-12-24 09:15:37.906  - debug: homekit-controller.0 (13777) Device IP-48:2E:D4:2C:25:84 collected subscription IDs: ["1.68"]
2022-12-24 09:15:37.908  - debug: homekit-controller.0 (13777)   hap-controller:http-client Start Pair-Verify process ...
2022-12-24 09:15:37.909  - debug: homekit-controller.0 (13777)   hap-controller:tlv Add 1 bytes for tag 6: 01
2022-12-24 09:15:37.910  - debug: homekit-controller.0 (13777)   hap-controller:tlv Add 32 bytes for tag 3: b6ada777214cb128604a40cd9251417d66d4c59421474a14e33111d75c909e30
2022-12-24 09:15:37.911  - debug: homekit-controller.0 (13777)   hap-controller:http-connection POST /pair-verify 0601010320b6ada777214cb128604a40cd9251417d66d4c59421474a14e33111d75c909e30 (application/pairing+tlv8)
2022-12-24 09:15:37.923  - debug: homekit-controller.0 (13777)   hap-controller:http-connection Response 200 with 140 byte data
2022-12-24 09:15:37.924  - debug: homekit-controller.0 (13777)   hap-controller:tlv Read 1 bytes for tag 6: 02
2022-12-24 09:15:37.924  - debug: homekit-controller.0 (13777)   hap-controller:tlv Read 32 bytes for tag 3: a059d8a199922059930518219388710b538357065e75c9d133cbbdf46f640155
2022-12-24 09:15:37.925  - debug: homekit-controller.0 (13777)   hap-controller:tlv Read 101 bytes for tag 5: 49cdc9131911fff76c35104159dabf07917d614e80555a95a534cafd8f68d68c23d63e91ce446c5e690f3bd8b47f85e694b2e8e13493d44ed67e68c23ecdb2f697f4b1f875e0d3bcb191d268ebc8a7545d36f4b3d10744618ac7b919bdb619c06c1d4c7dd1
2022-12-24 09:15:37.927  - debug: homekit-controller.0 (13777)   hap-controller:tlv Read 17 bytes for tag 1: 34383a32453a44343a32433a32353a3834
2022-12-24 09:15:37.928  - debug: homekit-controller.0 (13777)   hap-controller:tlv Read 64 bytes for tag 10: e986721bac9995b8fb48ac22e2edeba8c71e2cb6535b42c2c00a3b5412b8aeb35137d1aac2e6a2fef62cc2e7a26e079701c880cee04c4c5bcf94887a4d9a2b0b
2022-12-24 09:15:37.929  - debug: homekit-controller.0 (13777)   hap-controller:tlv Add 36 bytes for tag 1: 39663765653935332d613662642d343336312d613039662d373763323130356332316566
2022-12-24 09:15:37.930  - debug: homekit-controller.0 (13777)   hap-controller:tlv Add 64 bytes for tag 10: 1972ffb939a6cfbacf230def28e08a2975951f6927bc0659c6319ec719aa2cf1e8b679e1d0ee789499a6242a74fffd290babf6c108331a75271a0d49fd669e0a
2022-12-24 09:15:37.931  - debug: homekit-controller.0 (13777)   hap-controller:tlv Add 1 bytes for tag 6: 03
2022-12-24 09:15:37.932  - debug: homekit-controller.0 (13777)   hap-controller:tlv Add 120 bytes for tag 5: 6010c19f18ff2a9c662a54376b2d11370c8149ef71640df5ff8bc04596250f393c7eac49728b273e0558bb5a15c2146c231ed3c32b1bb2cf211793fc13265a467c0db842d887d6a33f4e1a0ac4e56f47ff3ce0757ce8acdec8a9549a25ca760fc4481f9b0a9eb28ee1f8d14f46a5400289385a69bafb717d
2022-12-24 09:15:37.933  - debug: homekit-controller.0 (13777)   hap-controller:http-connection POST /pair-verify 06010305786010c19f18ff2a9c662a54376b2d11370c8149ef71640df5ff8bc04596250f393c7eac49728b273e0558bb5a15c2146c231ed3c32b1bb2cf211793fc13265a467c0db842d887d6a33f4e1a0ac4e56f47ff3ce0757ce8acdec8a9549a25ca760fc4481f9b0a9eb28ee1f8d14f46a5400289385a69bafb717d (application/pairing+tlv8)
2022-12-24 09:15:37.939  - debug: homekit-controller.0 (13777)   hap-controller:http-connection Response 200 with 3 byte data
2022-12-24 09:15:37.939  - debug: homekit-controller.0 (13777)   hap-controller:tlv Read 1 bytes for tag 6: 04
2022-12-24 09:15:37.940  - debug: homekit-controller.0 (13777)   hap-controller:http-client Finished Pair-Verify process ...
2022-12-24 09:15:37.942  - debug: homekit-controller.0 (13777)   hap-controller:http-connection PUT /characteristics 7b22636861726163746572697374696373223a5b7b22616964223a312c22696964223a36382c226576223a747275657d5d7d
2022-12-24 09:15:37.945  - debug: homekit-controller.0 (13777)   hap-controller:http-connection Response 204 with 0 byte data
2022-12-24 09:15:37.948  - debug: homekit-controller.0 (13777) Init IP-13:8C:92:96:60:BB as known device
2022-12-24 09:15:37.949  - info: homekit-controller.0 (13777) IP-13:8C:92:96:60:BB (TV Wohnzimmer) found without pairing data but available for pairing: Create basic objects
2022-12-24 09:15:37.950  - debug: homekit-controller.0 (13777) Service: {"name":"TV Wohnzimmer","address":"","port":39241,"c#":5,"ff":8,"id":"13:8C:92:96:60:BB","md":"KE-55XH9005","pv":"1.1","s#":1,"sf":1,"ci":31,"availableToPair":true}
2022-12-24 09:15:38.064  - debug: homekit-controller.0 (13777) Init BLE-AF:96:DF:07:43:9F as known device
2022-12-24 09:15:38.065  - info: homekit-controller.0 (13777) BLE-AF:96:DF:07:43:9F (Eve Light Switch F797) found without pairing data but available for pairing: Create basic objects
2022-12-24 09:15:38.066  - debug: homekit-controller.0 (13777) Service: {"name":"Eve Light Switch F797","CoID":76,"TY":6,"AIL":49,"SF":1,"DeviceID":"af:96:df:07:43:9f","ACID":8,"GSN":3,"CN":2,"CV":2,"c#":2,"id":"af:96:df:07:43:9f","ci":8,"availableToPair":true}
2022-12-24 09:15:38.335  - debug: homekit-controller.0 (13777) Discovered IP device up: 48:2E:D4:2C:25:84/DIRIGERA
2022-12-24 09:15:38.336  - debug: homekit-controller.0 (13777) IP-48:2E:D4:2C:25:84 Discovery device update, unchanged config-number, ignore
2022-12-24 09:15:52.147  - debug: homekit-controller.0 (13777) state homekit-controller.0.BLE-AF:96:DF:07:43:9F.admin.pairWithPin changed: XXX (ack = false)
2022-12-24 09:15:52.152  - info: homekit-controller.0 (13777) Cannot retrieve BLE PairMethod for device BLE-AF:96:DF:07:43:9F because of error undefined: Cannot read properties of undefined (reading 'state'), try default
2022-12-24 09:15:52.153  - info: homekit-controller.0 (13777) Use PairMethod 0 to pair BLE-AF:96:DF:07:43:9F
2022-12-24 09:15:52.154  - debug: homekit-controller.0 (13777) BLE-AF:96:DF:07:43:9F Waiting for BLE discovery of this device for proper initialization
2022-12-24 09:15:52.154  - info: homekit-controller.0 (13777) Cannot pair with device BLE-AF:96:DF:07:43:9F because Client initialization not successful
cburghardt commented 1 year ago

I tried it 2 more times in case it is a timing issue. I got different errors compared to above: First try: 2022-12-24 09:43:35.150 - info: homekit-controller.0 (13827) Cannot pair with device BLE-AF:96:DF:07:43:9F because of error undefined (undefined): pair-setup characteristic not found

Second try: 2022-12-24 09:44:33.107 - info: homekit-controller.0 (13827) Cannot pair with device BLE-AF:96:DF:07:43:9F because of error undefined (undefined): undefined

Apollon77 commented 1 year ago

I still need to check code but these two errors look better ... would be interesting to see the enhanced debug log for them too :-)

In fact "pair-setup characteristic not found" normally means that the device is nor in pairing mode! WHile the second one most likely is a "device did not answered" case

cburghardt commented 1 year ago

Hmm, command disallowed?

2022-12-24 10:01:02.606  - debug: homekit-controller.0 (14245) Discovered BLE device up: af:96:df:07:43:9f/Eve Light Switch F797
2022-12-24 10:01:02.607  - debug: homekit-controller.0 (14245) BLE-AF:96:DF:07:43:9F Discovered BLE device: {"name":"Eve Light Switch F797","CoID":76,"TY":6,"AIL":49,"SF":1,"DeviceID":"af:96:df:07:43:9f","ACID":8,"GSN":4,"CN":2,"CV":2,"c#":2,"id":"af:96:df:07:43:9f","ci":8,"availableToPair":true}
2022-12-24 10:01:02.608  - info: homekit-controller.0 (14245) BLE-AF:96:DF:07:43:9F (Eve Light Switch F797) found without pairing data but available for pairing: Create basic objects
2022-12-24 10:01:02.608  - debug: homekit-controller.0 (14245) Service: {"name":"Eve Light Switch F797","CoID":76,"TY":6,"AIL":49,"SF":1,"DeviceID":"af:96:df:07:43:9f","ACID":8,"GSN":4,"CN":2,"CV":2,"c#":2,"id":"af:96:df:07:43:9f","ci":8,"availableToPair":true}
2022-12-24 10:01:02.680  - debug: homekit-controller.0 (14245) state homekit-controller.0.BLE-AF:96:DF:07:43:9F.info.connectionType changed: BLE (ack = true)
2022-12-24 10:01:02.705  - debug: homekit-controller.0 (14245) state homekit-controller.0.BLE-AF:96:DF:07:43:9F.info.id changed: af:96:df:07:43:9f (ack = true)
2022-12-24 10:01:02.761  - debug: homekit-controller.0 (14245) state homekit-controller.0.BLE-AF:96:DF:07:43:9F.info.connected changed: false (ack = true)
2022-12-24 10:01:02.780  - debug: homekit-controller.0 (14245) state homekit-controller.0.BLE-AF:96:DF:07:43:9F.admin.isPaired changed: false (ack = true)
2022-12-24 10:01:02.793  - debug: homekit-controller.0 (14245) state homekit-controller.0.BLE-AF:96:DF:07:43:9F.info.lastDiscovered changed: 1671872462609 (ack = true)
2022-12-24 10:01:32.143  - debug: homekit-controller.0 (14245) Device IP-48:2E:D4:2C:25:84 Scheduled Characteristic update started ...
2022-12-24 10:01:32.146  - debug: homekit-controller.0 (14245)   hap-controller:http-client Reuse persistent connection client
2022-12-24 10:01:32.149  - debug: homekit-controller.0 (14245)   hap-controller:http-connection GET /characteristics?id=1.3,1.4,1.5,1.6,1.7,1.8,1.9,1.10,1.66,1.67,1.68
2022-12-24 10:01:32.158  - debug: homekit-controller.0 (14245)   hap-controller:http-connection Response 200 with 482 byte data
2022-12-24 10:01:32.160  - debug: homekit-controller.0 (14245) IP-48:2E:D4:2C:25:84 Set Values to ioBroker: [{"aid":1,"iid":3,"value":"IKEA of Sweden"},{"aid":1,"iid":4,"value":"DIRIGERA Hub for smart products"},{"aid":1,"iid":5,"value":"DIRIGERA"},{"aid":1,"iid":6,"value":"5b4a42fa-b032-4cf8-b747-7e88599aff3b"},{"aid":1,"iid":7,"value":"2.155.1"},{"aid":1,"iid":8,"value":"2.5"},{"aid":1,"iid":9,"value":"6.1;72ca72be"},{"aid":1,"iid":10,"value":"p80Yzz//MRk="},{"aid":1,"iid":66,"value":0},{"aid":1,"iid":67,"value":11},{"aid":1,"iid":68,"value":"AgIAAAMEAAAAAA=="}]
2022-12-24 10:01:32.214  - debug: homekit-controller.0 (14245) state homekit-controller.0.IP-48:2E:D4:2C:25:84.1.wifi-transport-64.wifi-configuration-control changed: AgIAAAMEAAAAAA== (ack = true)
2022-12-24 10:02:02.163  - debug: homekit-controller.0 (14245) Device IP-48:2E:D4:2C:25:84 Scheduled Characteristic update started ...
2022-12-24 10:02:02.164  - debug: homekit-controller.0 (14245)   hap-controller:http-client Reuse persistent connection client
2022-12-24 10:02:02.165  - debug: homekit-controller.0 (14245)   hap-controller:http-connection GET /characteristics?id=1.3,1.4,1.5,1.6,1.7,1.8,1.9,1.10,1.66,1.67,1.68
2022-12-24 10:02:02.174  - debug: homekit-controller.0 (14245)   hap-controller:http-connection Response 200 with 482 byte data
2022-12-24 10:02:02.175  - debug: homekit-controller.0 (14245) IP-48:2E:D4:2C:25:84 Set Values to ioBroker: [{"aid":1,"iid":3,"value":"IKEA of Sweden"},{"aid":1,"iid":4,"value":"DIRIGERA Hub for smart products"},{"aid":1,"iid":5,"value":"DIRIGERA"},{"aid":1,"iid":6,"value":"5b4a42fa-b032-4cf8-b747-7e88599aff3b"},{"aid":1,"iid":7,"value":"2.155.1"},{"aid":1,"iid":8,"value":"2.5"},{"aid":1,"iid":9,"value":"6.1;72ca72be"},{"aid":1,"iid":10,"value":"p80Yzz//MRk="},{"aid":1,"iid":66,"value":0},{"aid":1,"iid":67,"value":11},{"aid":1,"iid":68,"value":"AgIAAAMEAAAAAA=="}]
2022-12-24 10:02:08.102  - debug: homekit-controller.0 (14245) state homekit-controller.0.BLE-AF:96:DF:07:43:9F.admin.pairWithPin changed: XXXX (ack = false)
2022-12-24 10:02:08.106  - debug: homekit-controller.0 (14245)   hap-controller:gatt-connection connect peripheral
2022-12-24 10:02:08.617  - debug: homekit-controller.0 (14245)   hap-controller:gatt-connection Peripheral disconnected
2022-12-24 10:02:08.619  - info: homekit-controller.0 (14245) Cannot retrieve BLE PairMethod for device BLE-AF:96:DF:07:43:9F because of error undefined: undefined, try default
2022-12-24 10:02:08.619  - info: homekit-controller.0 (14245) Use PairMethod 0 to pair BLE-AF:96:DF:07:43:9F
2022-12-24 10:02:08.620  - debug: homekit-controller.0 (14245) BLE-AF:96:DF:07:43:9F Start Homekit Device Client initialization
2022-12-24 10:02:08.622  - debug: homekit-controller.0 (14245)   hap-controller:gatt-connection connect peripheral
2022-12-24 10:02:08.744  - info: homekit-controller.0 (14245) Cannot pair with device BLE-AF:96:DF:07:43:9F because of error undefined (undefined): Command Disallowed (0xc)
noble: unknown peripheral null connected!
2022-12-24 10:02:32.176  - debug: homekit-controller.0 (14245) Device IP-48:2E:D4:2C:25:84 Scheduled Characteristic update started ...
2022-12-24 10:02:32.177  - debug: homekit-controller.0 (14245)   hap-controller:http-client Reuse persistent connection client
2022-12-24 10:02:32.178  - debug: homekit-controller.0 (14245)   hap-controller:http-connection GET /characteristics?id=1.3,1.4,1.5,1.6,1.7,1.8,1.9,1.10,1.66,1.67,1.68
2022-12-24 10:02:32.187  - debug: homekit-controller.0 (14245)   hap-controller:http-connection Response 200 with 482 byte data
Apollon77 commented 1 year ago

Puuhhhh .. we had an other isse with this 0xc error ... and now it goes veeery deep into HCI and potbably Linux kernel topics ... Which device you use that on?

Raspi oder other? What kind of USB adapter it is? There are instructions to also grep HCI logs .... maybe do that ...

Do you have another BLE dongl inf you use an integrated BLE device?

cburghardt commented 1 year ago

The adapter runs on an Odroid n2, bullseye release. It's an external USB dongle, need to check the type but I used it previously for other BLE stuff and my own scripts so it is fully supported. Will capture an HCI log soon. Well and merry Christmas ;)

Am 24. Dezember 2022 12:03:12 schrieb Ingo Fischer @.***>:

Puuhhhh .. we had an other isse with this 0xc error ... and now it goes veeery deep into HCI and potbably Linux kernel topics ... Which device you use that on? Raspi oder other? What kind of USB adapter it is? There are instructions to also grep HCI logs .... maybe do that ... Do you have another BLE dongl inf you use an integrated BLE device? — Reply to this email directly, view it on GitHub, or unsubscribe. You are receiving this because you authored the thread.Message ID: @.***>

cburghardt commented 1 year ago

HCI log: log.txt

The USB bluetooth dongle is Broadcom Corp. BCM20702A0 Bluetooth 4.0

cburghardt commented 1 year ago

Related logs:

2022-12-24 13:10:07.163 - info: homekit-controller.0 (16279) BLE-AF:96:DF:07:43:9F (Eve) found without pairing data but available for pairing: Create basic objects 2022-12-24 13:10:07.164 - debug: homekit-controller.0 (16279) Service: {"name":"Eve","CoID":76,"TY":6,"AIL":49,"SF":1,"DeviceID":"af:96:df:07:43:9f","ACID":8,"GSN":4,"CN":2,"CV":2,"c#":2,"id":"af:96:df:07:43:9f","ci":8,"availableToPair":true} 2022-12-24 13:10:07.191 - debug: homekit-controller.0 (16279) state homekit-controller.0.BLE-AF:96:DF:07:43:9F.info.connectionType changed: BLE (ack = true) 2022-12-24 13:10:07.201 - debug: homekit-controller.0 (16279) state homekit-controller.0.BLE-AF:96:DF:07:43:9F.info.id changed: af:96:df:07:43:9f (ack = true) 2022-12-24 13:10:07.209 - debug: homekit-controller.0 (16279) state homekit-controller.0.BLE-AF:96:DF:07:43:9F.info.connected changed: false (ack = true) 2022-12-24 13:10:07.222 - debug: homekit-controller.0 (16279) state homekit-controller.0.BLE-AF:96:DF:07:43:9F.admin.isPaired changed: false (ack = true) 2022-12-24 13:10:07.234 - debug: homekit-controller.0 (16279) state homekit-controller.0.BLE-AF:96:DF:07:43:9F.info.lastDiscovered changed: 1671883807165 (ack = true) 2022-12-24 13:10:40.300 - debug: homekit-controller.0 (16279) state homekit-controller.0.BLE-AF:96:DF:07:43:9F.admin.pairWithPin changed: XXX (ack = false) 2022-12-24 13:10:40.304 - debug: homekit-controller.0 (16279) hap-controller:gatt-connection connect peripheral 2022-12-24 13:10:40.837 - debug: homekit-controller.0 (16279) hap-controller:gatt-connection Peripheral disconnected 2022-12-24 13:10:40.838 - info: homekit-controller.0 (16279) Cannot retrieve BLE PairMethod for device BLE-AF:96:DF:07:43:9F because of error undefined: undefined, try default 2022-12-24 13:10:40.839 - info: homekit-controller.0 (16279) Use PairMethod 0 to pair BLE-AF:96:DF:07:43:9F 2022-12-24 13:10:40.840 - debug: homekit-controller.0 (16279) BLE-AF:96:DF:07:43:9F Start Homekit Device Client initialization 2022-12-24 13:10:40.842 - debug: homekit-controller.0 (16279) hap-controller:gatt-connection connect peripheral 2022-12-24 13:10:40.957 - info: homekit-controller.0 (16279) Cannot pair with device BLE-AF:96:DF:07:43:9F because of error undefined (undefined): Command Disallowed (0xc)

cburghardt commented 1 year ago

OK, one more shot, I replaced the adapter with a different one that I still had lying around as I read that the above error can occur when the dongle doesn't support parallel scan and connect. The new adapter shows a different error:

2022-12-24 13:34:13.491  - debug: homekit-controller.0 (16797)   hap-controller:gatt-connection connect peripheral
2022-12-24 13:34:14.692  - debug: homekit-controller.0 (16797)   hap-controller:gatt-connection c8d5bc630a4d/c8:d5:bc:63:0a:4d Write for characteristic 0000004f0000100080000026bb765291 0003ae1100
2022-12-24 13:34:14.851  - debug: homekit-controller.0 (16797)   hap-controller:gatt-connection c8d5bc630a4d/c8:d5:bc:63:0a:4d Received data for characteristic 0000004f0000100080000026bb765291 02ae000300010102
2022-12-24 13:34:14.853  - debug: homekit-controller.0 (16797)   hap-controller:gatt-connection disconnect peripheral
2022-12-24 13:34:14.890  - debug: homekit-controller.0 (16797)   hap-controller:gatt-connection Peripheral disconnected
2022-12-24 13:34:14.891  - info: homekit-controller.0 (16797) Use PairMethod 0 to pair BLE-AF:96:DF:07:43:9F
2022-12-24 13:34:14.892  - debug: homekit-controller.0 (16797) BLE-AF:96:DF:07:43:9F Start Homekit Device Client initialization
2022-12-24 13:34:14.894  - debug: homekit-controller.0 (16797)   hap-controller:gatt-connection connect peripheral
2022-12-24 13:34:15.451  - debug: homekit-controller.0 (16797)   hap-controller:tlv Add 1 bytes for tag 6: 01
2022-12-24 13:34:15.452  - debug: homekit-controller.0 (16797)   hap-controller:tlv Add 1 bytes for tag 0: 00
2022-12-24 13:34:15.454  - debug: homekit-controller.0 (16797)   hap-controller:tlv Add 6 bytes for tag 1: 060101000100
2022-12-24 13:34:15.454  - debug: homekit-controller.0 (16797)   hap-controller:tlv Add 1 bytes for tag 9: 01
2022-12-24 13:34:15.455  - debug: homekit-controller.0 (16797)   hap-controller:gatt-connection c8d5bc630a4d/c8:d5:bc:63:0a:4d Write for characteristic 0000004c0000100080000026bb765291 00029b0f000b000106060101000100090101
2022-12-24 13:34:16.081  - debug: homekit-controller.0 (16797)   hap-controller:gatt-connection c8d5bc630a4d/c8:d5:bc:63:0a:4d Received data for characteristic 0000004c0000100080000026bb765291 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
2022-12-24 13:34:16.174  - debug: homekit-controller.0 (16797)   hap-controller:gatt-connection Peripheral disconnected
2022-12-24 13:34:16.175  - info: homekit-controller.0 (16797) Cannot pair with device BLE-AF:96:DF:07:43:9F because of error undefined (undefined): undefined

Related HCI dump: log2.txt

Apollon77 commented 1 year ago

Interesting ...that othr BLE adapter st least managed to do communication with the device to get the pairing method, but then it seems that the device is not sending (or ble adapter do not receive) the full answer somehow before connection is disconnected.

cburghardt commented 1 year ago

Any idea what I could do to improve that?

Apollon77 commented 1 year ago

honestly ... no idea right now. In fact you could ask Eve support if it possible at all to pair with an "open source Homekit controller". We know from other devices (see readme) that as soon as a "special authentication chip" is used that there is no chance to pair with an "non apple controller" ... But no idea if this is the case here.

cburghardt commented 1 year ago

So I tried the homekit controller from Home Assistant and there it works instantly. It looks like the pairing is waiting quite a bit for a response of the device, maybe that's the difference. I am closing the issue.

Apollon77 commented 1 year ago

Great that you found a way but it is not that "solved" for me honestly.

Would you've willing to capture such a hci communication log for the same Ble adapter with the iobroker adapter and home assistant that I could try to compare what the Python Ble stack does differently then node.js? Also: is there any detailed logging possible in home assistant? Also to compare ...

Thank you for your support.

Apollon77 commented 1 year ago

Ps: does https://github.com/abandonware/node-bluetooth-hci-socket#linux-1 do a difference?

Same goes for the bleno thing (maybe Wort a try) in https://github.com/abandonware/noble#bleno-compatibility-linux-specific

For the command disallowed ... might it be such an adapter? https://github.com/abandonware/noble#adapter-specific-known-issues

cburghardt commented 1 year ago

This device has already been paired and I have setup automations for it which would be destroyed. But I will buy another one where I can give it a try. Let's keep the issue open.

Am 27. Dezember 2022 01:04:41 schrieb Ingo Fischer @.***>:

Great that you found a way but it is not that "solved" for me honestly. Would you've willing to capture such a hci communication log for the same Ble adapter with the iobroker adapter and home assistant that I could try to compare what the Python Ble stack does differently then node.js? Also: is there any detailed logging possible in home assistant? Also to compare ... Thank you for your support. — Reply to this email directly, view it on GitHub, or unsubscribe. You are receiving this because you modified the open/close state.Message ID: @.***>

Apollon77 commented 1 year ago

Ok, many thank you!!

stale[bot] commented 1 year ago

This issue has been automatically marked as stale because it has not had recent activity. It will be closed if no further activity occurs within the next 7 days. Please check if the issue is still relevant in the most current version of the adapter and tell us. Also check that all relevant details, logs and reproduction steps are included and update them if needed. Thank you for your contributions. Dieses Problem wurde automatisch als veraltet markiert, da es in letzter Zeit keine Aktivitäten gab. Es wird geschlossen, wenn nicht innerhalb der nächsten 7 Tage weitere Aktivitäten stattfinden. Bitte überprüft, ob das Problem auch in der aktuellsten Version des Adapters noch relevant ist, und teilt uns dies mit. Überprüft auch, ob alle relevanten Details, Logs und Reproduktionsschritte enthalten sind bzw. aktualisiert diese. Vielen Dank für Eure Unterstützung.

stale[bot] commented 1 year ago

This issue has been automatically closed because of inactivity. Please open a new issue if still relevant and make sure to include all relevant details, logs and reproduction steps. Thank you for your contributions. Dieses Problem wurde aufgrund von Inaktivität automatisch geschlossen. Bitte öffnet ein neues Issue, falls dies noch relevant ist und stellt sicher das alle relevanten Details, Logs und Reproduktionsschritte enthalten sind. Vielen Dank für Eure Unterstützung.