Apollon77 / ioBroker.smartmeter

ioBroker-Adapter to read out Smart-Meter using protocols like SML, D0 and such
MIT License
36 stars 17 forks source link

Supported smartmeter / Information about data format as retrieved from http url #350

Closed mar1ged closed 1 year ago

mar1ged commented 1 year ago

First things first: you might want to add the Itron Openway 3.HZ-AC-D1-A1 to the list of supported smartmeters. My provider "Netze BW" of EnBW installed it and as far as I can tell it works just fine (with an Hichi USB reader):

Screenshot 2022-12-04 12 15 36

My smartmeter does not expose 2.18.0. I don't know if this due the fact that I don't have a contract about "Einspeisevergütung". But what is more interesting is that I can see I'm producing more than I consume because the value returned is prefixed with a minus:

Screenshot_2022-12-05-13-13-08-607-edit_com android chrome

Now to the longer story. I installed ioBroker and the smartmeter adapter on an old Raspberry Pi 1. I decided to do this because I wanted to recycle the old hardware, and learn something (especially getting to run NodeJS 18 running on the device was "interesting") But one can see that the hardware is a little bit "overwhelmed" and especially after a restart of the device it takes a lot of time until everything is up and running.

So I though about installing something lightweight on the Raspberry Pi 1 that reads from the smartmeter, have this expose the data via http (or tcp ?) and install the smartmeter adapter on my main iobroker server. But I haven't found information which http or tcp format is expected by the adapter. Can you give me a hint ?

Apollon77 commented 1 year ago

HTTP only one format is supported - the format of the EFR Smart Grid Hub (JSON format)

TCP is "smae formats as Serial" (so D0 or SML), but via TCP without baudrate switchover and such stuff

mar1ged commented 1 year ago

Thank you @Apollon77 . Does this mean I could just grab the output of dev ttyUsb and export it over a socket without the need of any conversions ?

Apollon77 commented 1 year ago

Honestly ... this all highly depends on your smartmeter and siuch ... best use iobroker forum and discuss options with users there.

mar1ged commented 1 year ago

OK, I will do so. Or just give it a try.