Apollon77 / ioBroker.smartmeter

ioBroker-Adapter to read out Smart-Meter using protocols like SML, D0 and such
MIT License
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No serial device connection in root-less podman container #378

Closed stephanritscher closed 8 months ago

stephanritscher commented 8 months ago

Describe the bug
A raspberry pi 2 is running iobroker in slave mode in a root-less podman container. The infrared reader (FT232R) is connected to it and redirected to the container. But the smartmeter adapter runs into read timeouts.

To Reproduce

  1. Setup iobroker on "server" in master mode with redis for objects & states.
  2. On "slave" as non-root user with group "dialout" run: podman play kube --annotation run.oci.keep_original_groups=1 podman.txt (see attached podman.txt)
  3. Configure smartmeter adapter on "slave" using device "/dev/ttySMARTMETER"

Expected behavior
Smartmeter adapter should start reading the current meter values.

Screenshots & Logfiles
Instead the communication times out (the infrared head hasn't been moved since successfully reading the meter values using smartmeter adapter on "server" running iobroker natively, i.e. not using podman).

smartmeter.1 | 2023-10-24 21:31:03.094 | warn | No or too long answer from Serial Device after last request. smartmeter.1 | 2023-10-24 21:31:03.092 | debug | Error: No or too long answer from Serial Device after last request. smartmeter.1 | 2023-10-24 21:31:03.089 | debug | MESSAGE TIMEOUT TRIGGERED smartmeter.1 | 2023-10-24 21:29:03.086 | debug | SET MESSAGE TIMEOUT TIMER: 120000 smartmeter.1 | 2023-10-24 21:29:03.078 | debug | CREATE SERIALPORT: 9600 8 1 none smartmeter.1 | 2023-10-24 21:24:03.075 | debug | SCHEDULE NEXT RUN IN 300s smartmeter.1 | 2023-10-24 21:24:03.070 | debug | Transport Reset!! Restart = true smartmeter.1 | 2023-10-24 21:24:03.067 | debug | Error: No or too long answer from Serial Device after last request. smartmeter.1 | 2023-10-24 21:24:03.063 | warn | No or too long answer from Serial Device after last request. smartmeter.1 | 2023-10-24 21:24:03.056 | debug | Error: No or too long answer from Serial Device after last request. smartmeter.1 | 2023-10-24 21:24:03.050 | debug | MESSAGE TIMEOUT TRIGGERED smartmeter.1 | 2023-10-24 21:22:03.174 | debug | connected set to false smartmeter.1 | 2023-10-24 21:22:03.042 | debug | SET MESSAGE TIMEOUT TIMER: 120000 smartmeter.1 | 2023-10-24 21:22:03.016 | debug | CREATE SERIALPORT: 9600 8 1 none smartmeter.1 | 2023-10-24 21:22:03.003 | debug | SmartmeterObis options: {"debug":2,"protocol":"SmlProtocol","transport":"SerialResponseTransport","requestInterval":"300","anotherQueryDelay":"1000","transportSerialPort":"/dev/ttySMARTMETER","transportSerialBaudrate":null,"transportSerialMessageTimeout":null,"protocolSmlIgnoreInvalidCRC":false} smartmeter.1 | 2023-10-24 21:22:02.807 | info | starting. Version 3.3.4 in /opt/iobroker/node_modules/iobroker.smartmeter, node: v18.18.2, js-controller: 5.0.14


Additional context
The behaviour is the same as in #374.

stephanritscher commented 8 months ago

At least it work when running the same container as root. Any idea which kind of access it needs in addition? I already had to add some capabilities to podman to be able to run the iobroker container as non-root:

# getcap /usr/bin/podman
/usr/bin/podman cap_net_bind_service,cap_net_admin,cap_net_raw=eip
Apollon77 commented 8 months ago

Honestly ... no idea ... In fact the adapter, and so the nodejs process is not getting any data because your debug log do not show it.

In nodejs I can not do anything ... so it must be a config thing in the container ... !? Maybe the nodejs process needs to get additional capabilities or such?

@buanet any idea?

stephanritscher commented 8 months ago

Capabilities was my first guess and I already tried a few, but didn't find the right one(s) yet

stephanritscher commented 8 months ago

I tried adding all capabilities to podman but it didn't help. However, I was able to get the adapter to work after changing the permissions within the container.

podman exec -it iobroker-app sh

chmod a+rw /dev/ttySMARTMETER

Not yet sure why this not needed if podman runs as root. I will still need to investigate how to handle this in podman.txt.

buanet commented 8 months ago

@stephanritscher try environment variable USBDEVICES. This should set the permissions for the device inside the Container...

stephanritscher commented 8 months ago

Unfortunately chown doesn't work (I also tried manually). The last lines in podman log before the container loops into a restart are:

Setting permissions for "/dev/ttySMARTMETER"... chown: changing ownership of '/dev/ttySMARTMETER': Operation not permitted

Maybe again due to running podman in root-less mode?

buanet commented 8 months ago

Maybe again due to running podman in root-less mode?

Pretty sure thats the problem. The startup script of the container is designed to run as root.

stephanritscher commented 8 months ago

According to my understanding of https://github.com/containers/podman/issues/13090#issuecomment-1518451581 there is no good solution which propagates the user or group ownership to a non-root process in a root-less container. So I'll stick with allowing all users to modify the character device (chmod on the host) since my system only has very few users. Thanks anyways!