Apollon77 / ioBroker.smartmeter

ioBroker-Adapter to read out Smart-Meter using protocols like SML, D0 and such
MIT License
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DWS74 not all data Points #388

Closed Danielnope closed 6 months ago

Danielnope commented 6 months ago

DWS74, only the data points

my adapter configuration is

data protocol: Smart Message Language Seriel device: standart protocol coding SML: Binärdada (standard)

I have already tested several different configurations. If I read the meter with a PC tool I get all the information.

Apollon77 commented 6 months ago

If omly these data are in the objects, only these data are provided in the SML ... You can turn on debug logging to verify. Else for support on how to solve this please check in forum