Apollounknowndev / remapped

MIT License
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"Improved Map Zooming" feature makes creating item frame maps unnecessarily difficult. #1

Open lexchxn opened 6 days ago

lexchxn commented 6 days ago

I'm considering adding this mod to my game, but the "Improved Map Zooming" feature means that the main reason I make maps- to create a reference wall of the surrounding area- is much harder. Rather than being able to walk off the edge of a map and create a new one, automatically having it line up for the purposes of placing on a wall or floor, I would be required to use several "intermediary maps" to count out chunk distances and ensure the center map lines up with the distance it should be at a larger size- or utilize F3+G to count chunk borders.

Neither are particularly appealing or intuitive, and I would request this feature to be configurable so that I can use the mod, because it is otherwise immensely appealing!

Apollounknowndev commented 6 days ago

At some point in the near future (hopefully in the next update) I'll be adding a button in the cartography table's GUI that'll let you decide whether or not the map zooms out relative to the center of the previous map.

lexchxn commented 6 days ago

That's amazing! Best of both worlds, and I didn't even consider it. Thanks for sharing!