AppBlade / AppBladeSDK

The SDK for AppBlade; iOS and Android
MIT License
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API v3 for Android #67

Open awswim opened 11 years ago

awswim commented 11 years ago

New Token/Secret approach. AppBladeKeys are stored in an asset file, for editing on the server.

awswim commented 11 years ago

This looks fine other than the one comment about potentially adding AppBlade.Log(Object o), and the merge conflicts.

andrewtremblay commented 11 years ago

Yeah, the merge conflicts might be an issue. I'll pull in your other request first before resolving the changes.

dylanrjames commented 11 years ago

It looks like you've already moved tons (if not all) logging into AppBlade.Log calls. Please please please add a flag to turn it on/off. AppBlade does LOTS of logging, and usually you'll care when you're setting it up, but after that it just gets in the way and makes debugging the rest of your code harder. Maybe even turn it off by default just so people don't have to figure out how to get rid of it. Most of the time it just works and you don't need to worry about it.

andrewtremblay commented 11 years ago

Yeah, I pretty much did a find/replace on ALL the log.d/v/w/e and put replaced them with internal AppBlade calls. I like the off-automatically idea. Implementing it now.