AppBlade / AppBladeSDK

The SDK for AppBlade; iOS and Android
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PLCrashReporter Update (version 1.2-rc2) #92

Closed andrewtremblay closed 10 years ago

andrewtremblay commented 10 years ago

Updating to 64-bit compatible crash reporting for new devices.

Pulling out old CrashReporter source and reintegrated the entire framework source. Rewrote the lipo script.

Resolved some deprecations to run better on iOS 7.

andrewtremblay commented 10 years ago

Looks good to me! I'm pulling this in.

landonf commented 10 years ago

Hi Andrew --

Just randomly stumbled across this in a GitHub search, I hope you won't mind a few comments:

That's about all I can think of offhand. I'd also recommend eventually moving to using the PLCrashReporter project's build system directly if you can, since there are a lot of subtle pitfalls when trying to embed the sources and there will probably be more going forward (I may have missed a few above).

Hope that's of some (or any) help.

andrewtremblay commented 10 years ago

Thanks for the input Landon!

This is really just a hotfix to the current incarnation of our SDK, which I admit does use the PLCrashReporter source code in a rather rudimentary way. This was mostly due to issues with older versions of Xcode.

As both PLCrashReporter and AppBlade grow more sophisticated, we'll likely just embed the PLCrashReporter project file directly (which was something I considered doing in this release). For now though, I'll definitely use that build flag you mentioned.

My next iteration of the AppBlade SDK (SDK_rewrite_blocks) will take your suggestions more to heart. I promise.

landonf commented 10 years ago
