AppBlade / AppBladeSDK

The SDK for AppBlade; iOS and Android
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PLCrashReporter code is out of date and doesn't compile with Xcode 6.3 #97

Closed floatplane closed 9 years ago

floatplane commented 9 years ago

This compile issue was fixed in PLCrashReporter about a year ago but the AppBlade SDK is pinned to an older version. Please update!

jamesdaniels commented 9 years ago

Whoops! I have a version I've been tracking that on and never pushed. Will get that updated shortly, sorry about that.

floatplane commented 9 years ago

Thanks @jamesdaniels!

floatplane commented 9 years ago

Hi, is there any progress to report on this issue?

mtjhax commented 9 years ago

Happy to announce the SDK is updated. Version 0.6.3 should compile with Xcode 6.3.x. A new binary release was also pushed. We will update our CocoaPod with the latest release shortly. If you have any issues please let us know.

floatplane commented 9 years ago

The new version still doesn't build from source with Xcode 6.3 :frowning:. The copy of PLCrashReporter you have doesn't seem to have the necessary change:

Note how the extern "C" declaration is near the top of this file:, when it should be further down:

mtjhax commented 9 years ago

How embarrassing, I neglected to 'git add' the majority of the updated PLCrashReporter files before pushing, which explains why it compiled for me. Please try again and my apologies.

floatplane commented 9 years ago

Thank you, builds fine now! Well, there's a tiny link error due to including a file in the library project that doesn't need to be there, I opened #99 for that. But this issue is resolved, thanks!