AppDevNext / AndroidChart

A fork from dead upstream with a lot of merged pull requests from upstream. Including Espresso tests and screenshot tests
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Rounded Horizontal Bar Chart not rendering colors for split bar entries #259

Open KevinAlvarez-JaJa opened 1 month ago

KevinAlvarez-JaJa commented 1 month ago

Im trying to program a spending limit with rounded corners and my current chart is this:


I use a horizontal bar chart which is split into spent and remaining, assigned values here:

val barChart = HorizontalBarChart(LocalContext.current)
val entries = listOf(
    BarEntry(0f, floatArrayOf(spent, remaining))
val dataSet = BarDataSet(entries, "").apply {
    colors = listOf(spentColor, Color.rgb(64, 64, 64)) // Spent color and remaining color
    valueTextColor = Color.WHITE
    valueTextSize = 16f
    setDrawValues(false) // Hide the value labels on the bars

However, when setting the renderer like here:

renderer = RoundedHorizontalBarChartRenderer(this, ChartAnimator(), ViewPortHandler())
(renderer as RoundedHorizontalBarChartRenderer).setRoundedPositiveDataSetRadius(20f) // Set the corner radius 

as needed


The bar chart is loaded in as I can highlight it however there is no color at all, it is the same color as the background (commenting out setting the custom renderer fixes this)

I think the RoundedHorizontalBarChartRenderer doesn't work with split bar charts. If this is not the case if someone can let me know what I am doing wrong, if it is the case then I would be happy to give a go fixing it.

hannesa2 commented 1 month ago

The change comes from here and I recommend to start to debug

KevinAlvarez-JaJa commented 1 month ago

The change comes from here PhilJay#5420 and I recommend to start to debug

I have been debugging and I just wanted to ask if there are any example uses of either of the rounded bar chart renderers (apart from the pie chart renderer), as I have not found any working use cases? It would help a lot if I knew the intended way to use the custom renderer of the bar charts.

hannesa2 commented 1 month ago

I made at least a sample

containing screenshot tests as well