AppFlowy-IO / AppFlowy-Cloud

AppFlowy is an open-source alternative to Notion. You are in charge of your data and customizations. Built with Flutter and Rust.
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[Bug] Failed to run migrations: schema "auth" does not exist #228

Open Rinma opened 8 months ago

Rinma commented 8 months ago

When I start my docker with the actual docker-compose file, I get this error:

2023-12-20T13:23:15.143476136Z 2023-12-20T13:23:15.143444345Z 30 | v=0 name=appflowy_cloud msg=Connecting to postgres database with setting: DatabaseSetting { pg_conn_opts: PgConnectOptions { host: "appflowy-postgres", port: 5432, socket: None, username: "******", password: Some("******"), database: Some("appflowy"), ssl_mode: Prefer, ssl_root_cert: None, ssl_client_cert: None, ssl_client_key: None, statement_cache_capacity: 100, application_name: None, log_settings: LogSettings { statements_level: Debug, slow_statements_level: Warn, slow_statements_duration: 1s }, extra_float_digits: Some("3"), options: None }, require_ssl: false, max_connections: 20, database_name: "postgres" } hostname=8de62f632969 pid=1 target=appflowy_cloud::application line=332 file=src/ 

2023-12-20T13:23:15.150080834Z Error: Failed to initialize application state: Failed to run migrations: while executing migrations: error returned from database: schema "auth" does not exist

I updated my compose file so it uses


with these values

POSTGRES_HOST=appflowy-postgres     # name of the docker-compose service

But as you can see it the log, it searches for the auth scheme in the database postgres. I'm still learning rust, but for me, it looks like a problem with this code

db_settings: DatabaseSetting {
      pg_conn_opts: PgConnectOptions::from_str(&get_env_var(
      require_ssl: get_env_var("APPFLOWY_DATABASE_REQUIRE_SSL", "false").parse()?,
      max_connections: get_env_var("APPFLOWY_DATABASE_MAX_CONNECTIONS", "20").parse()?,
      database_name: get_env_var("APPFLOWY_DATABASE_NAME", "postgres"),

Could it be that it is not using the database name from the DATABASE_URL but overrides it with APPFLOWY_DATABASE_NAME, which is when not set postgres?

So it tried to set the env variable APPFLOWY_DATABASE_NAME to $ {POSTGRES_DB} / appflowy and the cloud started again.

Here is a screenshot from my database structure: grafik

speed2exe commented 8 months ago

Hi @Rinma , thanks for the feedback!

appflowy_cloud and gotrue services shares the same database gotrue is set to take url from DATABASE_URL appflowy_cloud is set to take url from APPFLOWY_DATABASE_URL DATABASE_URL and APPFLOWY_DATABASE_URL should only differs in the login username and password, but the database should kept the same. From the screenshot, it seems like you have configured DATABASE_URL to use appflowy database, but appflowy_cloud is using another database.

I think you can solve it by editing docker-compose.yml at gotrue section:

      - DATABASE_URL=postgres://supabase_auth_admin:root@postgres:5432/${POSTGRES_DB}

so that it will use use the same database. Let me know if that solves :)

Rinma commented 8 months ago

Hi @speed2exe , I think I already have it setup like this, here is my docker-compose file:

docker-compose.yml ``` version: '3' services: appflowy-minio: image: minio/minio:latest restart: on-failure:2 labels: - "traefik.enable=true" - "" # Api - "traefik.http.routers.appflowy-minio-api.rule=Host(``) && PathPrefix(`/storage`)" - "traefik.http.routers.appflowy-minio-api.entrypoints=https" - "traefik.http.routers.appflowy-minio-api.middlewares=appflowy-minio-stripprefixes" - "traefik.http.routers.appflowy-minio-api.service=appflowy-minio-api" - "traefik.http.routers.appflowy-minio-api.tls=true" - "" # Web - "traefik.http.routers.appflowy-minio-https.rule=Host(``) && PathPrefix(`/minio`)" - "traefik.http.routers.appflowy-minio-https.entrypoints=https" - "traefik.http.routers.appflowy-minio-https.middlewares=appflowy-minio-stripprefixes" - "traefik.http.routers.appflowy-minio-https.service=appflowy-minio" - "traefik.http.routers.appflowy-minio-https.tls=true" - "traefik.http.middlewares.appflowy-minio-stripprefixes.stripprefix.prefixes=/minio,/storage" - "" environment: - MINIO_BROWSER_REDIRECT_URL= volumes: - /opt/appflowy-cloud/data:/data networks: - appflowy - traefik command: server /data --console-address ":9001" appflowy-postgres: restart: on-failure:2 image: postgres environment: - POSTGRES_USER=${POSTGRES_USER:-postgres} - POSTGRES_DB=${POSTGRES_DB:-postgres} - POSTGRES_PASSWORD=${POSTGRES_PASSWORD:-password} - POSTGRES_HOST=${POSTGRES_HOST:-postgres} volumes: - /opt/appflowy-cloud/migrations/before:/docker-entrypoint-initdb.d - /opt/appflowy-cloud/postgres:/var/lib/postgresql/data networks: - appflowy appflowy-pgadmin: image: dpage/pgadmin4:latest restart: on-failure:5 depends_on: - appflowy-postgres labels: - "traefik.enable=true" - "" - "traefik.http.routers.appflowy-pgadmin-https.rule=Host(``) && PathPrefix(`/pgadmin`)" - "traefik.http.routers.appflowy-pgadmin-https.entrypoints=https" - "traefik.http.routers.appflowy-pgadmin-https.service=appflowy-pgadmin" - "traefik.http.routers.appflowy-pgadmin-https.tls=true" - "" environment: - PGADMIN_DEFAULT_EMAIL=${PGADMIN_DEFAULT_EMAIL} - PGADMIN_DEFAULT_PASSWORD=${PGADMIN_DEFAULT_PASSWORD} - SCRIPT_NAME=/pgadmin networks: - appflowy - traefik appflowy-redis: image: redis:latest restart: on-failure:5 networks: - appflowy appflowy-gotrue: image: restart: on-failure:50 depends_on: - appflowy-postgres labels: - "traefik.enable=true" - "" - "traefik.http.routers.appflowy-gotrue-https.rule=Host(``) && PathPrefix(`/gotrue`)" - "traefik.http.routers.appflowy-gotrue-https.entrypoints=https" - "traefik.http.routers.appflowy-gotrue-https.middlewares=appflowy-gotrue-stripprefixes" - "traefik.http.routers.appflowy-gotrue-https.service=appflowy-gotrue" - "traefik.http.routers.appflowy-gotrue-https.tls=true" - "traefik.http.middlewares.appflowy-gotrue-stripprefixes.stripprefix.prefixes=/gotrue" - "" environment: # Gotrue config: - GOTRUE_SITE_URL=appflowy-flutter:// # redirected to AppFlowy application - URI_ALLOW_LIST=* # adjust restrict if necessary - GOTRUE_JWT_SECRET=${GOTRUE_JWT_SECRET} # authentication secret - GOTRUE_DB_DRIVER=postgres - API_EXTERNAL_URL=${API_EXTERNAL_URL} - DATABASE_URL=postgres://supabase_auth_admin:root@${POSTGRES_HOST}:5432/${POSTGRES_DB} - PORT=9999 - GOTRUE_SMTP_HOST=${GOTRUE_SMTP_HOST} # e.g. - GOTRUE_SMTP_PORT=${GOTRUE_SMTP_PORT} # e.g. 465 - GOTRUE_SMTP_USER=${GOTRUE_SMTP_USER} # email sender, e.g. - GOTRUE_SMTP_PASS=${GOTRUE_SMTP_PASS} # email password - GOTRUE_MAILER_URLPATHS_CONFIRMATION=/gotrue/verify - GOTRUE_MAILER_URLPATHS_INVITE=/gotrue/verify - GOTRUE_MAILER_URLPATHS_RECOVERY=/gotrue/verify - GOTRUE_MAILER_URLPATHS_EMAIL_CHANGE=/gotrue/verify - GOTRUE_SMTP_ADMIN_EMAIL=${GOTRUE_SMTP_ADMIN_EMAIL} # email with admin privileges e.g. - GOTRUE_SMTP_MAX_FREQUENCY=${GOTRUE_SMTP_MAX_FREQUENCY:-1ns} # set to 1ns for running tests - GOTRUE_MAILER_AUTOCONFIRM=${GOTRUE_MAILER_AUTOCONFIRM:-false} # change this to true to skip email confirmation # Google OAuth config - GOTRUE_EXTERNAL_GOOGLE_ENABLED=${GOTRUE_EXTERNAL_GOOGLE_ENABLED} - GOTRUE_EXTERNAL_GOOGLE_CLIENT_ID=${GOTRUE_EXTERNAL_GOOGLE_CLIENT_ID} - GOTRUE_EXTERNAL_GOOGLE_SECRET=${GOTRUE_EXTERNAL_GOOGLE_SECRET} - GOTRUE_EXTERNAL_GOOGLE_REDIRECT_URI=${GOTRUE_EXTERNAL_GOOGLE_REDIRECT_URI} # GITHUB OAuth config - GOTRUE_EXTERNAL_GITHUB_ENABLED=${GOTRUE_EXTERNAL_GITHUB_ENABLED} - GOTRUE_EXTERNAL_GITHUB_CLIENT_ID=${GOTRUE_EXTERNAL_GITHUB_CLIENT_ID} - GOTRUE_EXTERNAL_GITHUB_SECRET=${GOTRUE_EXTERNAL_GITHUB_SECRET} - GOTRUE_EXTERNAL_GITHUB_REDIRECT_URI=${GOTRUE_EXTERNAL_GITHUB_REDIRECT_URI} # Discord OAuth config - GOTRUE_EXTERNAL_DISCORD_ENABLED=${GOTRUE_EXTERNAL_DISCORD_ENABLED} - GOTRUE_EXTERNAL_DISCORD_CLIENT_ID=${GOTRUE_EXTERNAL_DISCORD_CLIENT_ID} - GOTRUE_EXTERNAL_DISCORD_SECRET=${GOTRUE_EXTERNAL_DISCORD_SECRET} - GOTRUE_EXTERNAL_DISCORD_REDIRECT_URI=${GOTRUE_EXTERNAL_DISCORD_REDIRECT_URI} # Prometheus Metrics - GOTRUE_METRICS_ENABLED=false - GOTRUE_METRICS_EXPORTER=prometheus networks: - appflowy - traefik appflowy-cloud: image: restart: on-failure:50 depends_on: - appflowy-redis - appflowy-postgres - appflowy-gotrue labels: - "traefik.enable=true" - "" - "traefik.http.routers.appflowy-cloud-https.rule=Host(``) && (PathPrefix(`/api`) || PathPrefix(`/ws`))" - "traefik.http.routers.appflowy-cloud-https.entrypoints=https" - "traefik.http.routers.appflowy-cloud-https.service=appflowy-cloud" - "traefik.http.routers.appflowy-cloud-https.tls=true" - "" environment: - RUST_LOG=${RUST_LOG:-info} - APPFLOWY_ENVIRONMENT=production - APPFLOWY_DATABASE_URL=postgres://${POSTGRES_USER}:${POSTGRES_PASSWORD}@${POSTGRES_HOST}:5432/${POSTGRES_DB} - APPFLOWY_DATABASE_NAME=${POSTGRES_DB} # <--- **Need to set this to get it working** - APPFLOWY_REDIS_URI=redis://appflowy-redis:6379 - APPFLOWY_GOTRUE_JWT_SECRET=${GOTRUE_JWT_SECRET} - APPFLOWY_GOTRUE_BASE_URL=http://appflowy-gotrue:9999 - APPFLOWY_GOTRUE_EXT_URL=${API_EXTERNAL_URL} - APPFLOWY_GOTRUE_ADMIN_EMAIL=${GOTRUE_ADMIN_EMAIL} - APPFLOWY_GOTRUE_ADMIN_PASSWORD=${GOTRUE_ADMIN_PASSWORD} - APPFLOWY_S3_USE_MINIO=${USE_MINIO} - APPFLOWY_S3_MINIO_URL=${MINIO_URL:-http://minio:9000} - APPFLOWY_S3_ACCESS_KEY=${AWS_ACCESS_KEY_ID} - APPFLOWY_S3_SECRET_KEY=${AWS_SECRET_ACCESS_KEY} - APPFLOWY_S3_BUCKET=${AWS_S3_BUCKET} - APPFLOWY_S3_REGION=${AWS_REGION} networks: - appflowy - traefik appflowy-admin: image: restart: on-failure:50 depends_on: - appflowy-gotrue labels: - "traefik.enable=true" - "" - "traefik.http.routers.appflowy-admin-https.rule=Host(``)" - "traefik.http.routers.appflowy-admin-https.entrypoints=https" - "traefik.http.routers.appflowy-admin-https.service=appflowy-admin" - "traefik.http.routers.appflowy-admin-https.tls=true" - "" environment: - GOTRUE_URL=http://appflowy-gotrue:9999 - REDIS_URL=redis://appflowy-redis:6379 networks: - appflowy - traefik networks: appflowy: traefik: external: true ``` Postgres relevant env variables from `.env` ``` POSTGRES_USER=appflowy POSTGRES_PASSWORD=****** POSTGRES_DB=appflowy POSTGRES_HOST=appflowy-postgres ```

But as you can see in the appflowy-cloud service, I had to set the APPFLOWY_DATABASE_NAME environment variable to make it work. Otherwise, it tries to connect to postgres instead of ${POSTGRES_DB}

speed2exe commented 8 months ago

@Rinma Yup, you have to set to something like postgres://postgres:password@postgres:5432/${POSTGRES_DB}. I'm guessing you have it all figured out? Let me know if you need any more assistance in your set up.

Rinma commented 8 months ago

I don't know if we are talking about the same thing currently. So let me rephrase the question I had:

Is it intended that I have to set the environment variable APPFLOWY_DATABASE_NAME=${POSTGRES_DB} for the cloud service separately because it appears that it is not using the database set in the APPFLOWY_DATABASE_URL=postgres://postgres:password@postgres:5432/${POSTGRES_DB}?

If so, the docker-compose.yml should be updated accordingly to also set APPFLOWY_DATABASE_NAME.

speed2exe commented 8 months ago

@Rinma Not entirely if I get you, correct me if I'm wrong. The current set up is as if you dont use external DB. So the values DATABASE_URL and APPFLOWY_DATABASE_URL is the same in docker-compose.yaml. If you wish to change database, then you need to change both of them. Does that make sense to you?

Rinma commented 8 months ago

I don't have a problem with my setup, currently it is working.

But I think there is a bug in the code. That is what I try to figure out, if there is a bug, or it works like indented. If so, I would miss some documentation about APPFLOWY_DATABASE_NAME which is not set in the docker-compose.yml nor any *.env file.

In this code repository, the docker-compose.yml file does not include APPFLOWY_DATABASE_NAME, only the environment variables for the different DATABASE_URL. So I assume I don't have to set APPFLOWY_DATABASE_NAME. But I needed to set this to get it working. Otherwise, the rust code tries to connect to the database with the name postgres and not the database I set in the DATABASE_URL / APPFLOWY_DATABASE_URL.

I only knew what environment variable I could set because I looked into the code. I doubt that this is the preferred way to look up why the APPFLOWY_DATABASE_URL isn't working or what is needed to be set.

Like I said, I only started learning rust, but my guess would be that at this part of the code

db_settings: DatabaseSetting {
      pg_conn_opts: PgConnectOptions::from_str(&get_env_var(
      require_ssl: get_env_var("APPFLOWY_DATABASE_REQUIRE_SSL", "false").parse()?,
      max_connections: get_env_var("APPFLOWY_DATABASE_MAX_CONNECTIONS", "20").parse()?,
      database_name: get_env_var("APPFLOWY_DATABASE_NAME", "postgres"),

the database from the APPFLOWY_DATABASE_URL is overridden by database_name: get_env_var("APPFLOWY_DATABASE_NAME", "postgres"), so it always takes postgres as the database name.

If this is not the case, then I don't understand why I had to set APPFLOWY_DATABASE_NAME to get it working, but currently my setup works.

I hope this clarifies what I am trying to understand with this bug ticket, and thanks for taking your time with this @speed2exe I really appreciate that :smile:

speed2exe commented 8 months ago


Thanks for taking the time to look into the issue.

I've thought about it for a while. For deployment, users are mainly looking into deploy.env as their starting template and docker-compose.yml. There are no database access env var in it (DATABASE_URL or APPFLOWY_DATABASE_URL). The DATABASE_URL and APPFLOWY_DATABASE_URL in docker-compose.yml is fixed to a value (not using ${...}). We have also adding FAQ on using a different postgres: FAQ

Do you think that is clear enough? We are open to suggestions :)

enmanuelmoreira commented 8 months ago

I am a little bit lost about database creation on appflowy, I have the following issue:

AppFlowy Cloud with RUST_LOG=debug
{"timestamp":"2023-12-28T01:08:40.169516Z","level":"INFO","fields":{"message":"Preparng to run database migrations..."},"target":"appflowy_cloud::application"}
{"v":0,"name":"appflowy_cloud","msg":"Preparng to run database migrations...","level":30,"hostname":"appflowy-575d55b7b8-r826d","pid":1,"time":"2023-12-28T01:08:40.169580788Z","target":"appflowy_cloud::application","line":160,"file":"src/"}
{"timestamp":"2023-12-28T01:08:40.169587Z","level":"INFO","fields":{"message":"Connecting to postgres database with setting: DatabaseSetting { pg_conn_opts: PgConnectOptions { host: \"postgres16-rw.databases.svc.cluster.local\", port: 5432, socket: None, username: \"appflowy\", password: Some(\"password\"), database: Some(\"appflowy\"), ssl_mode: Prefer, ssl_root_cert: None, ssl_client_cert: None, ssl_client_key: None, statement_cache_capacity: 100, application_name: None, log_settings: LogSettings { statements_level: Debug, slow_statements_level: Warn, slow_statements_duration: 1s }, extra_float_digits: Some(\"3\"), options: None }, require_ssl: false, max_connections: 20, database_name: \"postgres\" }"},"target":"appflowy_cloud::application"}
{"v":0,"name":"appflowy_cloud","msg":"Connecting to postgres database with setting: DatabaseSetting { pg_conn_opts: PgConnectOptions { host: \"postgres16-rw.databases.svc.cluster.local\", port: 5432, socket: None, username: \"appflowy\", password: Some(\"password\"), database: Some(\"appflowy\"), ssl_mode: Prefer, ssl_root_cert: None, ssl_client_cert: None, ssl_client_key: None, statement_cache_capacity: 100, application_name: None, log_settings: LogSettings { statements_level: Debug, slow_statements_level: Warn, slow_statements_duration: 1s }, extra_float_digits: Some(\"3\"), options: None }, require_ssl: false, max_connections: 20, database_name: \"postgres\" }","level":30,"hostname":"appflowy-575d55b7b8-r826d","pid":1,"time":"2023-12-28T01:08:40.169651513Z","target":"appflowy_cloud::application","line":334,"file":"src/"}
Error: Failed to initialize application state: Failed to run migrations: while executing migrations: error returned from database: permission denied for schema public

The postgres database is mandatory to perform db action on appflowy?

The intention is separate the db (appflowy) and do not use the postgres db.

speed2exe commented 8 months ago

@enmanuelmoreira if i get you right, you're planning to use an external postgres? you would need to run the initialization sql file in migrations/before

enmanuelmoreira commented 8 months ago

@speed2exe Yes, I plan to use an external postgres database server. I have already created manually the auth schema into the appflowy database.

image image

speed2exe commented 8 months ago

@enmanuelmoreira Have you tried running the .sql files in migrations/before and restarting the services after that? From the screenshot, the tables that are supposed to be generated by appflowy_cloud services have not done the migrations. Let us know if you have difficulties.

enmanuelmoreira commented 8 months ago

@speed2exe Yes I tried, I'm getting this error now:

AppFlowy Cloud with RUST_LOG=debug
{"timestamp":"2023-12-29T01:25:21.673878Z","level":"INFO","fields":{"message":"Preparng to run database migrations..."},"target":"appflowy_cloud::application"}
{"v":0,"name":"appflowy_cloud","msg":"Preparng to run database migrations...","level":30,"hostname":"appflowy-5777854f44-9gzns","pid":1,"time":"2023-12-29T01:25:21.673904878Z","target":"appflowy_cloud::application","line":160,"file":"src/"}
{"timestamp":"2023-12-29T01:25:21.673915Z","level":"INFO","fields":{"message":"Connecting to postgres database with setting: DatabaseSetting { pg_conn_opts: PgConnectOptions { host: \"postgres16-rw.databases.svc.cluster.local\", port: 5432, socket: None, username: \"appflowy\", password: Some(\"password\"), database: Some(\"appflowy\"), ssl_mode: Prefer, ssl_root_cert: None, ssl_client_cert: None, ssl_client_key: None, statement_cache_capacity: 100, application_name: None, log_settings: LogSettings { statements_level: Debug, slow_statements_level: Warn, slow_statements_duration: 1s }, extra_float_digits: Some(\"3\"), options: None }, require_ssl: false, max_connections: 20, database_name: \"appflowy\" }"},"target":"appflowy_cloud::application"}
{"v":0,"name":"appflowy_cloud","msg":"Connecting to postgres database with setting: DatabaseSetting { pg_conn_opts: PgConnectOptions { host: \"postgres16-rw.databases.svc.cluster.local\", port: 5432, socket: None, username: \"appflowy\", password: Some(\"password\"), database: Some(\"appflowy\"), ssl_mode: Prefer, ssl_root_cert: None, ssl_client_cert: None, ssl_client_key: None, statement_cache_capacity: 100, application_name: None, log_settings: LogSettings { statements_level: Debug, slow_statements_level: Warn, slow_statements_duration: 1s }, extra_float_digits: Some(\"3\"), options: None }, require_ssl: false, max_connections: 20, database_name: \"appflowy\" }","level":30,"hostname":"appflowy-5777854f44-9gzns","pid":1,"time":"2023-12-29T01:25:21.673992812Z","target":"appflowy_cloud::application","line":334,"file":"src/"}
Error: Failed to initialize application state: Failed to run migrations: while executing migrations: error returned from database: relation "public.af_user" does not exist

I changed some values from the script before/migrations, I replaced the user supabase_auth_admin with appflowy that user is I am using to create the db.

speed2exe commented 8 months ago

@enmanuelmoreira can you try to drop the schema_migrations table in pgadmin?

enmanuelmoreira commented 8 months ago

Here we go


speed2exe commented 8 months ago

@enmanuelmoreira Looks like the migrations have run to completion. Are there any other errors in initializing the appflowy_cloud service?

enmanuelmoreira commented 8 months ago

This one stills hit me

Error: Failed to initialize application state: Failed to run migrations: while executing migrations: error returned from database: policy "af_user_insert_policy" for table "af_user" alreadyexists
enmanuelmoreira commented 8 months ago

and this:

Error: Failed to initialize application state: Failed to run migrations: while executing migrations: error returned from database: function uuid_generate_v4() does not exist

But: image

speed2exe commented 8 months ago

@enmanuelmoreira how about try to set the default schema to public for postgres user to public? ALTER USER postgres SET search_path TO public;

a quick google look up brings me to this which might help you: CREATE EXTENSION IF NOT EXISTS "uuid-ossp";

enmanuelmoreira commented 8 months ago

Yea, I deleted it and recreated it, same error.

speed2exe commented 8 months ago

@enmanuelmoreira Maybe you can try to log in to postgres as postgres, try to call the uuid_generate_v4 function and debug from there? I tried to reproduce by spinning up another postgres, then changing the host in docker-compose.yml.


When I do docker compose up -d, services are up and running. I'll be happy to help if you've got more questions.

ilaipi commented 7 months ago

maybe we should docker volume rm -f appflowy-cloud_postgres_data first.

and then docker compose up -d postgres

but still have the error:

Error: Failed to initialize application state: code: 500, msg:Database error finding user, error_id: Some("aa0f85cd-648e-4a68-a27a-4b828e209cac")
almereyda commented 2 months ago

The previous message seems to be a different error. It doesn't mention the schema "auth" does not exist message.

After spending a few hours on this, I have come to the same conclusion, as expressed before.

The hard-coding of defaults for the configuration variable of the database connection sets a default database_name, which is not inferred from the DATABASE_URL, which also contains this information.

Indeed providing APPFLOWY_HISTORY_DATABASE_NAME to the environment of the appflowy_history container together with a value of ${POSTGRES_DB} helps to resolve this issue. The other reported errors should be investigated separately.

Please remove all hard-coded connection configuration values from the binary and make them only depend on the environment configuration, as people will use them. This will make it easier to catch errors, because the environment functions closer to the expected production system.

Additionally, it appears useful to make use of Compose's templating features, to reduce redundancies in the .env.

> GOTRUE_POSTGRES_USER=supabase_auth_admin
> GOTRUE_POSTGRES_PASSWORD=root # Another issue, another hard-coded value
< APPFLOWY_DATABASE_URL=postgres://postgres:password@postgres:5432/postgres
< GOTRUE_DATABASE_URL=postgres://supabase_auth_admin:root@postgres:5432/postgres
< APPFLOWY_HISTORY_DATABASE_URL=postgres://postgres:password@postgres:5432/postgres

This example leaves out the database URLs for the AI and indexer services. #565

This requires to put all POSTGRES_ variables at the top, in so they can be inferred further down. Another source of possible error.

The before/ migration also contains two hard-coded values: the "Supabase" password and the name of the database. These should be parametrised as well.

Which raises the need for a documented setup of a near-production system that comes closer to the environments as people will expect to use them. This is another issue.