A few things I noticed when stepping through the help page:
The Select Features tool doesn't exist any more and has been replaced by Select. The two descriptions need to be merged to get the full functionality for Select.
Draw Bearing is missing.
I don't know what 'Markup Only' means at the end of the Draw Circle tool (only). Wouldn't this be the same for Point, Line, Polygon, etc.?
The Go To description contains a 'the the'.
The Creating and Managing Map Markup anchor link at the top is broken, and there isn't really any description of how to create Markup.
A few things I noticed when stepping through the help page:
Draw Bearing is missing.
I don't know what 'Markup Only' means at the end of the Draw Circle tool (only). Wouldn't this be the same for Point, Line, Polygon, etc.?
The Go To description contains a 'the the'.
The Creating and Managing Map Markup anchor link at the top is broken, and there isn't really any description of how to create Markup.
Quick Sketch is missing.