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content updates; nomenclature update; #25

Open yago1994 opened 1 month ago

yago1994 commented 1 month ago

Missing new subchapters F and G edits from Chapter 11 from the Document provided here:


F. Interjurisdictional TB Notification (IJN) (Don't include this title in the content!) IJN information can be found on NTCA’s website: NTCA encourages use of the IJN system to promote uninterrupted TB treatment and case management of persons confirmed with or thought to have TB disease; evaluation, testing and treatment of persons identified as close contacts to a person with infectious TB; and evaluation of persons referred by the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, Division of Global Migration and Quarantine. These forms were updated, and finalized, in August 2022. • Cover Sheet: One page used for all referralsActive/Possible TB: Two pages summarizing patient statusContact: One-page summarizing contact demographic information (or exposure setting information) and details about index case (smear/culture/DST)TB Infection: One-page summarizing person prescribed or started on TB infection treatment2022 IJN Form: ALL Forms Referring jurisdictions should call to the receiving jurisdiction within 1 business day for Active/Possible TB notifications. A companion document to the new forms has been prepared and is accessible here. Follow this link to access the list of IJN TB referral points of contact at state, large city and U.S. territories. If you have questions about the interjurisdictional process in your jurisdiction, please contact the designated point of contact listed for your jurisdiction. Any corrections to the contact listings should be emailed to NTCA staff at

G. CureTB Program (International Linkage to TB Care) To reduce the spread of TB and the emergence of drug-resistant TB, CureTB connects people with TB to healthcare services as they move between the United States and other countries. Health departments, healthcare providers, and others can refer patients to CureTB for assistance with accessing ongoing TB care abroad. CureTB can also help health officials and providers locate TB treatment health records for their patients in different countries. CDC Division of Global Migration Health's Southern Border Health and Migration Branch and the County of San Diego's Tuberculosis Control Program work together to manage the CureTB program.

CureTB Services TB Treatment Referral • CureTB refers patients with active (confirmed or probable) TB to the public health system in their destination country. • CureTB sends relevant clinical information and continues follow up with the receiving country for results of treatment. • To refer a patient for TB treatment in their destination country, complete the CureTB Transnational Notification form. Clinical History Request • CureTB can request information about a patient's TB treatment history from national TB programs outside of the United States. • To request a clinical history, complete the CureTB Transnational Notification form. Contact Notification • CureTB notifies public health authorities in other countries about patients diagnosed with TB in the United States who have contacts in their respective countries. • CureTB refers contacts to public health authorities in other countries if contacts relocate to another country after being identified in the United States, especially if they are under 5 years old or are immunocompromised. • To request contact notifications, complete the CureTB Contact/Source Investigation Notification form.

How Patients are Linked to TB Care Abroad CureTB’s referral services and processes vary by country. Step 1: A healthcare professional refers a patient with confirmed or probable TB to CureTB before the patient leaves the United States. Step 2: CureTB interviews the patient to confirm their contact information. Step 3: CureTB refers the patient to the receiving health authority. Step 4: CureTB follows-up with the patient and the receiving authority. Step 5: CureTB shares the final treatment results with the referring agency.

CureTB Referral Forms and Submission Information How to Submit a CureTB Referral

  1. To refer a patient to CureTB, download the appropriate form for your request: a. Transnational Notification b. Contact/Source Investigation Notification
  2. Complete the form and attach reports for sputum smears, molecular tests, cultures, drug susceptibility, and pertinent radiology/pathology examinations whenever possible.
  3. Send the referral form and attachments to CureTB by encrypted email. If you MUST send by fax, contact CureTB by phone first.
  4. If you do not receive a confirmation email from CureTB in 1 business day, please call. Note: CureTB does not usually offer treatment referrals if a patient requires fewer than 30 days to complete treatment after leaving the United States. Cultures and drug susceptibility tests are not routinely performed in all countries and may not be available. Tips for Referring Health Departments and Providers‎ • Refer early. Let a CureTB referral manager speak to your patient before they leave the United States. This will help us establish rapport, clarify CureTB's role, and get accurate locating information abroad. • Provide complete information. Attach laboratory, clinical, and treatment information to your referral. This will help us provide the receiving provider with complete information about the patient. Provide updates if important clinical information is pending at the time of referral (e.g., drug susceptibility testing results). • Identify reliable contacts. Ask your patient to provide contact information (e.g., phone, address, e-mail) for at least two people who will always know where they can be found. We will also review this information with your patient(s). CureTB Contact Information Email: (All states, except California) (California-only Referrals) Phone: (619) 542-4013
yago1994 commented 1 week ago

@MaxwellKJr assigning to you for after the changes on search version for iOS

I took care of a big amount of changes already on the branch and what's remaining is listed under Considerations and on the Notion page.

I think it'd be worth working on it and merging so the branch does not go stale