AppImage / AppImageKit

Package desktop applications as AppImages that run on common Linux-based operating systems, such as RHEL, CentOS, openSUSE, SLED, Ubuntu, Fedora, debian and derivatives. Join #AppImage on
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Applications packaged on Ubuntu 16.04 do not work on 20.04 #1076

Open sarthakpati opened 4 years ago

sarthakpati commented 4 years ago

Describe the bug I first saw this problem with a collaborator who is running this application.

To Reproduce Steps to reproduce the behavior:

BraTSPipeline -u

Error message:

symbol lookup error: <some-random-path>/BraTSPipeline: undefined symbol: _ZNSt7__cxx1112basic_stringIcSt11char_traitsIcESaIcEE10_M_replaceEmmPKcm, version Qt_5

Expected behavior This should work.

CaPTk Version 1.8.0

Desktop (please complete the following information):

Additional context Cross-posted in

probonopd commented 4 years ago

Seems like this symbol was introduced only recently (2018ish):

probonopd commented 4 years ago

Please provide a direct download link to the CaPTk*.AppImage file so that it can be tested in Thanks!

sarthakpati commented 4 years ago

Thanks for the reminder [ref]; working on getting you a link for the latest AppImage right now.

sarthakpati commented 4 years ago

Here you go:

I will keep this link persistent, until I figure out a better mechanism to automate this via CI.

probonopd commented 4 years ago

Thanks, but we'd need a http(s) link to an *.AppImage. Not an ftp:// link to a .bin.

sarthakpati commented 4 years ago

How about this?

probonopd commented 4 years ago

Unfortunately it doesn't get picked up from within a git respository, but if you could put it on it might work. Thanks!

sarthakpati commented 4 years ago

Unfortunately it doesn't get picked up from within a git respository, but if you could put it on it might work. Thanks!

probonopd commented 4 years ago

Thank you @sarthakpati. It passes the test on Ubuntu xenial 16.04 at least in the sense that it starts and then shows a dialog box concerning the lack of graphics drivers on the headless test machine. So if it stops working on 20.04, then something weird is going on.

By the way, what is BraTSPipeline and how do you launch it?

sarthakpati commented 4 years ago

By the way, what is BraTSPipeline and how do you launch it?

It is a command line application and you can launch the help message via CaPTk BraTSPipeline -u.

probonopd commented 4 years ago

It is a command line application

Ah, so inside the AppImage there is more than one "payload" binary? Then deploying and testing the main one is not sufficient. We need to deploy (and test) the secondary ones as well...

sarthakpati commented 4 years ago

Unfortunately, yes. This application consists of a number of "mini applications"...

probonopd commented 4 years ago

OK, how did you AppImage-fy/deploy those? (i.e., make sure their dependencies are properly bundled)?

sarthakpati commented 4 years ago

Apart from Qt, all other dependencies are statically linked for each executable.

sarthakpati commented 4 years ago

Hi @probonopd, any update on this?

probonopd commented 4 years ago

Can you please run the AppImage with sudo strace -f ... and see if you can find out what is causing the error?

sarthakpati commented 4 years ago

Hi @probonopd: one of our developers is working on this and will directly reply here.

sarthakpati commented 4 years ago

Hi @probonopd: one of our developers is working on this and will directly reply here.

This was tried on a fresh 20.04 installation and this message didn't come up.