AppImage / AppImageKit

Package desktop applications as AppImages that run on common Linux-based operating systems, such as RHEL, CentOS, openSUSE, SLED, Ubuntu, Fedora, debian and derivatives. Join #AppImage on
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Any timeline for an updated version? #1305

Open kuiperzone opened 6 months ago

kuiperzone commented 6 months ago

Hey Guys,

I'm just curious as to whether there are plans for future releases and any kind of timeline?

Don't get me wrong -- I absolutely love the fact that AppImage is stable. In fact, I embed it in a tool and it would be absolute b@llache for me if you pushed out releases every month like everybody else, as I would be under pressure to update my project also.

However, I'm just wondering so I know what's coming in the future?

probonopd commented 6 months ago

Hi @kuiperzone. As you have noticed, we want do do things in a slow-moving way, ideally not breaking too many things in the process.

At some point of time we will retire the tools provided by this repository, and promote together with the static runtime instead.

There is no ETA yet, it mainly depends on when @TheAssassin is happy with the static runtime.

kuiperzone commented 6 months ago

I'm sorry, but I get confused on the disctinction. Forgive me on this, and I beg your patience. But...

The appimagetool is the packaging tool, yes?


AppImageKit is a collection of tools, including appimagetool and the runtime?

Now, you're suggesting that the appimagetool repo will provide the runtime also in the future?

I've always come to this AppImageKit repo because it has the appimagetool binary (which I'm primarily interested in) in the release artefacts, whereas the appimagetool repo does not appear to.

In any case, I think it makes sense to promote one repo in the future, as you say. And I look forward to a future release (but not too often :) ).

kuiperzone commented 6 months ago

PS. >ideally not breaking too many things in the process.

LOL! My life is dogged by things which are broken quietly by other people somewhere else in the world. I do share your philosophy!

probonopd commented 6 months ago

AppImageKit is a collection of tools, including appimagetool and the runtime?

Currently yes, but we want to move everything out of AppImageKit and into their own repos.

I've always come to this AppImageKit repo because it has the appimagetool binary (which I'm primarily interested in) in the release artefacts, whereas the appimagetool repo does not appear to.

You sure?

mralusw commented 3 months ago

Hm... there's a continuous build, but the last release (and commit, I guess) dates back to 2023-07