AppImage /

Given an URL to an AppImage, the GitHub action in this project inspects the AppImage and puts it into a community-maintained catalog
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Fix feed.json when there are multiple screenshots #2721

Open prateekmedia opened 2 years ago

prateekmedia commented 2 years ago

Let's say I want AppImage Pool app screenshot's, now the problem is that I have added 4 screenshot in appdata xml but appimagehub's feed.json shows 1, it is for all appimage in feed.json.

Can you add code to fetch all screenshots instead of only one?

probonopd commented 2 years ago

The AppStream spec is from so it is not from the AppImage developers.

For we are currently using only one screenshot.

prateekmedia commented 2 years ago

@probonopd Yeah I wanted to focus on the second sentence, if an app has more screenshot then how we can use it, Like I want to use it in my AppImage Pool app store.

Can you help me generate a custom feed.json that has it, or how are you fetching posts in feed.json file

probonopd commented 2 years ago already contains them:

        "name": "AppImagePool",

        "description": "<p>Simple AppImageHub Client</p>\n<p>Top Features:</p>\n<ul>\n  <li>FLOSS and non profit app</li>\n  <li>Simple categories</li>\n  <li>Download from github directly, no extra-server involved</li>\n  <li>Upgrade and Downgrade appimages easily</li>\n  <li>Version History and multi download support</li>\n  <li>Fast downloader</li>\n</ul>\n<p>Note : Some features are not implemented yet.</p>",

        "categories": ["Utility"],
        "authors" : [{"name":"prateekmedia","url":""}],
        "license" : "GPL-3.0-only",
        "links": [{"type":"GitHub","url":"prateekmedia/appimagepool"},{"type":"Download","url":""}],
        "icons": ["AppImagePool/icons/scalable/appimagepool.svg"],
        "screenshots" : [""]

but indeed it looks like they are just concatenated together without spaces between them?

prateekmedia commented 2 years ago

@probonopd Oh sorry and thanks, can you tell me from where are you fetching posts in feed.json.

probonopd commented 2 years ago

Jekyll generates the feed using

Do you know how to change

so that the different screenshots do not simply get concatenated? Jekyll jsonify doesn't seem to do the right thing here?

prateekmedia commented 2 years ago

Yeah they don't have commas between them and are concatenated together.

prateekmedia commented 2 years ago

Do you know how to change

Sadly I am no expert in this.